Grades K-2

A Budding Engineer

Think like an engineer to solve a neighborhood problem. Illustrate your new design or invention.


The Pet Watcher

Here's a fun coloring activity that also helps you practice your math skills.


Goods and Services

Identify goods sold in stores and describe services performed by workers. 


Jobs I Can Do

Draw a picture of a job you can do to help your family. 


Let's Buy A Present

Practice counting with coins and a dollar bill, and figure out which are needed to buy some presents.


My Entrepreneurial Traits

Learn about the traits of an entrepreneur and decide if you have them. 


My Family Flag

Make a family flag to show what is special about your family.


Piggy Bank Savings

Find a die at home and start rolling for savings. Color a picture and add up the numbers.


Savings Tips

Have your student illustrate a savings goal.


Sorting Needs and Wants

Identify needs and wants by cutting out pictures from magazines and print advertisements and categorizing them.


The Money Jar Podcasts

Are you curious about careers, money issues, or entrepreneurship, and looking for something a little different? A podcast series from Junior Achievement Radio asks the questions families and kids care about by interviewing people with the right expertise. For details about the podcast series, download the accompanying overview document.

The Money JAR Series List.pdf