Grade 3-5

A Region's Market

Farmers and ranchers run small businesses too. Figure out which farmer in the region did the best job of making a profit on his produce. 

Res_Elem_A Region's Market.pdf

Answer Key

Res_Elem_A Region's Market-AK.pdf

Bank Teller Computations

Help the bank teller count out money by solving these problems.


Answer Key


Be an Engineer

Create a robot using STEM skills


Career Types

Compare different types of careers and match job descriptions to the career types.


Career Quest flier

What interests you and why do you enjoy it? Learn about yourself and the careers and careers clusters that best suit your interests and abilities in this printable flier.


Careers with a Purpose

Do you like to work with your hands? Invent things? Work out things in your head? Think about the kinds of jobs an entrepreneur needs to have done to get his product on the market, then go to a government website on careers and do some research about the kind of jobs that would be good for you. 


Choosing a Financial Institution

Help customers find the financial institution that meets their needs.


Compare and Contrast Payment Methods

Compare different ways people pay for things they want and need.


Compound Interest

Are you confused about compound interest? Use play money or another token to find out how much the bank would pay you in interest.


Answer Key


Extended Learning Opportunity: Be an Architect

Be an architect for a day. Build a model of a bridge that might one day support your family as you drive across it. Use paper and tape to build a bridge between two chairs without it touching the floor. Test it out by putting objects of different weights on it. Redesign if needed!

Get and Keep the Job

Learn about resumes and how invention ideas can become big business.

res_elem_Get and Keep the Job.pdf

Global Connections

Have you ever been told you are "all over the map"? Learn about some international careers and places.

JA_Elem_Global Connections.pdf

John's Shopping Day

Do you like to shop? Help John choose what to buy on this shopping trip.


History of Prices

Why is all the toilet paper disappearing off the shelves? Find out more about how people's needs and desires affect the pricing of goods, and how that has had an effect on history.


Interest in Your Favor

Discover how investing money in an interest-bearing savings account can help people buy big-ticket items.


Junior Achievement $ave, USA

We know it can be tough to speak to or teach your kids about money-management issues. We hope that you find these lessons helpful with those conversations!

Letters to the Editor

Learn how to write a letter to the editor and have it included in the newspaper.


Money Tracker and Bingo

How do you keep track of the money you have in a bank? You use a money tracker of course! Learn how to use a money tracker with this video. Play Bingo and keep track of the money in your Money Tracker worksheet.


My Business Costs

Explore the costs of running a business and learn how a business sets prices. 


My Entrepreneurial Traits

Learn about the traits of an entrepreneur and decide if you have them.


My Interests

What are you interested in? What do you enjoy doing? Complete this checklist to discover how your interests could turn into business ideas.


One Million

Discover how quickly money (even pennies) can grow!


Answer Key


Needs and Wants

Discover the difference between needs and wants and how to assess their importance to you.


Robo Sellers Video Flyer

Fly your ship through the universe collecting and selling robot parts to start your own robot business. Play this online game to become a robot merchant and make a tidy profit.


Savings Plan, Inquiry-Based Lesson

Discover how investing money in an interest-bearing savings account can help a person buy big-ticket items sooner.


Science Means Business

Do you like to invent things? Read about four inventors who turned their ideas into products and their products into successful businesses. Then think of an invention that would make the life of your family or community better.


STEMBOT - JA Website

Learn about STEM careers and practice STEM skills while solving puzzles and playing games.

The Debit Card Transaction

How does a debit card work? Follow the steps to learn how the bank gets your money to the store.


The Money Jar Podcasts

Are you curious about careers, money issues, or entrepreneurship, and looking for something a little different? A podcast series from Junior Achievement Radio asks the questions families and kids care about by interviewing people with the right expertise. For details about the podcast series, download the accompanying overview document.

The Money JAR Series List.pdf

What Is Free Enterprise?

What is free entreprise and why does it matter? Learn how the free enterprise system affects all of us.


Word Search

I spy, through my little eye, words about the economy! Do a fun word search to practice new vocabulary.


Answer Key


Wristband Mania

Even smart second graders can invent something and start a business. Read about Audrey McCain's "Eraselet" wristband and see if you can invent a wristband of your own. 
