What is Violence?

Violence is the international use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group. Violence is high likely to result in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.

Costs of ignoring the problem

Benefits driving positive change

Cost of violence is estimated at $14 trillion/year

Mentally healthier individuals and families

Increased incidences of depression, anxiety, and suicide

Positive working and learning environments

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Increased well-being of families

Over 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence

More people living in a peaceful society

Sofie Whitney

Activist & Co-Founder

Sofie Whitney, 18, co-founder of March For Our Lives. A survivor of the Parkland shooting, Whitney is an activist, leading the national conversation and fight to end gun violence. She and other young people used media and political attention to gain awareness, set up meetings in state and national capitals, and planned a nationwide march in less than one month from the Parkland shooting.

Case Study

Austrian NGOs active in supporting victims of domestic violence decided to take their message to the masses by means of a travelling exhibition. They created a stand resembling the interior of a flat, used that to tell the story of abuse in the home. The exhibition has won several prizes, and has toured 29 locations all over Austria. It has so far been seen by 15,000 people, many of them visiting in school groups.

Ideas youngsters can implement

Create graffiti educating people to avoid violence

Building an awareness campaign by showing victims of violence and their consequences to sensitise youth

Volunteering as a group to help NGOs support victims of violence