

張 晨宇, 吉田太一, “自己教師あり学習と画質向上事前情報を用いたノイズ除去,” IEICE 2024年総合大会, No. D-11A-13, 202436日.

伊藤大地, 吉田太一, “深層学習を用いた夜間撮影におけるゴースト除去,” IEICE 38th 信号処理シンポジウム, No. P2-03. 2023117日.

T. Yoshida, I. Funahashi, N. Yamashita, and M. Ikehara, “Saturated reflection detection for reflection removal based on convolutional neural network,” IEEE Access, Vol.10, pp.39800-39809, 2022.

I. Funahashi, T. Yoshida, X. Zhang, and M. Iwahashi, “Image adjustment for multi-exposure images based on convolutional neural networks,” IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Vol. E105-D, No. 1, pp.123-133, Jan. 2022.

I. Funahashi, N. Yamashita, T. Yoshida, and M. Ikehara, “High reflection removal using CNN with detection and estimation,” in Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit Conf. 2021, Tokyo, Japan.

山下尚樹, 船橋勇那, 吉田太一, “強反射領域の検出を用いた反射除去手法,” IEICE 2021年総合大会, No.A-8-12, 2021年3月12日.

Y. Umeki, I. Funahashi, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Salient object detection with importance degree,” IEEE Access, Vol.8,pp.147059-147069, 2020. 

S. Minewaki, F. Hamzah, T. Yoshida, M. Iwahashi, and H. Kiya, “Noise bias compensation for reconstruction HDR images in two layer coding,” IEEJ Trans. Electron. Inf. Syst., Vol.139, No.12, pp.1442-1451, 2019. 

S. Minewaki, T. Yoshida, Y. Takei, M. Iwahashi, and H. Kiya, “Noise bias compensation for tone mapped noisy image using prior knowledge,” APSIPA Trans. Signal Inf. Process., Vol.8, No.E3, pp.1-11, 2019. 

K. Yang, T. Suzuki, T. Yoshida, “Two-layer high dynamic range image coding based on radiance format,” IEICE Signal Process. Symposium, 2019.

Y. Umeki, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Co-propagation with distributed seeds for salient object detection,” IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Vol.E101-D, No.6, pp.1640-1647, Jun. 2018. 

F. Hamzah, S. Minewaki, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Reduction of rounding noise and lifting steps in non-separable four-dimensional quadruple lifting integer wavelet transform,” EURASIP J. Image Video Process., Vol.2018:36, No.1, pp.1-18, 2018. 

T. Yoshida, M. Iwahashi, and H. Kiya, “Two-layer lossless coding for high dynamic range images based on range compression and adaptive inverse tone-mapping,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals., Vol.E101-A, No.1, pp.259-266, 2018. 

I. Funahashi, Y. Umeki, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi “Safety-level estimation of aerial images based on convolutional neural network for emergency landing of unmanned aerial vehicle,” APSIPA Annual Summit Conf. 2018 .

Y. Kinoshita, S. Shiota, H. Kiya, and T. Yoshida, “Multi-exposure image fusion based on exposure compensation,” IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics Speech Signal Process., pp.1388-1392, 2018. 

I. Funahashi, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Image correction method based on deep convolutional neural networks for ghost-free multi-exposure image fusion,” IEICE Signal Process. Symposium, 2018.

Y. Umeki, Y. Takimoto, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Salient object detection based on image distinction,” IEICE Signal Process. Symposium, 2018.

S. Chiba, T. Yoshida, and M. Iwahashi, “Adaptive multi-orientation scene text detection based on fully convolutional networks and text classifier ,” IEICE Signal Process. Symposium, 2018.