Internal Events Calendar

Using the Internal Events Calendar

You can view the College's internal event calendar at this link: (Password: H1Events). This calendar displays all events in 25Live happening at the Indianapolis campus (including classes).

  • There are three different view options that can be selected at the top of the calendar: Table, List, and Month. The Month view is displayed in the first image below.

  • The 'Calendars' tab on the left-hand side allows you to filter down the type of events you want displayed. Checked calendar events will be shown and unchecked calendar events will be hidden. The 'Classes' calendar is hidden in the first image below.

  • The 'Search' bar allows you to search for specific events or locations. For example, you can search 'BIOL 101' to find the times and locations of all BIOL 101 classes, or search 'IFC' to view only events occurring in the IFC building.

  • Selecting an event will take you to its page. The event's page will include additional information, such as the location, organizer, and the description of the event (if entered when the organizer created it in 25Live). An example of an event's page is shown in the second image below.