
Timothy Lovain, City Manager Mark Jinks, Paul Smedberg,

Vice Mayor Justin Wilson with Some of His Fan Club

Del Pepper

Paul Smedberg, John Chapman, Tim Lovain, Mayor Justin Wilson


The same councilmen and un-elected City employees who denigrate Alexandria’s founding fathers George Washington and his Aid de Camp Col. John Fitzgerald show their hypocrisy when they support spending millions of dollars promoting Scottish founding fathers John Alexander, John Carlyle and William Ramsay, all slave holders.

Did you know? Carlyle owned over 60 slaves at the time of his death. All of these founding fathers have their own troubled history of treating different races and religions.

The current deals cut between special interest groups, consultants, city power brokers and developers is not going unnoticed and will be scrutinized.

All founding fathers will get a seat at the table! This fight has just begun!