School Wide Activities

SEL, Stress Relief, & good FUN!

What School-Wide Activities Does the ERC support?

A lot of them! I am frequently in classrooms providing lessons and support to students on topics ranging from friendships, effective communication, conflict resolution, time management, and managing stress to name a few!

I also run Lunch Bunch! This is a fun activity based time for the students in grades 1-6 during their lunch hours. Any student is welcome to participate! This provides a semi-structured alternative with social emotional support for many kids who could use alternatives for activities to do during this outdoor time!


5th & 6th Grade Workshops

5th and 6th Graders now have the opportunity to sign up for weekly workshops on Fridays. The topics vary and change week to week. Topics range from time management, sportsmanship, self esteem, art expression, homework stress and more!

While most topics are only one week, some will run for two to allow time for project completion. Students can sign up for the workshops beginning on Monday of the week of the workshop. The sign up sheets are located outside of the ERC Counseling office.