Side Projects

This Page will provide information and viewing access about the side projects I did throughout my internship

Qualitative Analysis
Lit Review: Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis Lit Review Summary

Qualitative Analysis Project

I read 25 interview transcripts from women who had periviable births from the years 2016-2018 from Eskenazi Health and Methodist Hospital. The goal of this Qualitative Analysis was to find patterns, themes, and possible factors that affected the type of language used to describe their birth experiences. The powerpoint attached is the summary of my findings that I presented to my supervisors. Proceeding my presentation, I was tasked to conduct a literature review regarding Birth and NICU experiences for parents (more specifically mothers) during preterm birth. Limited studies were found upon the topic, and only the articles with more abundant and relevant information regarding the analysisof interest. I compiled them into a powerpoint that highlights key information in each article, along with links to each article for easy access. I have also included my Literature Review Summary Write-Up of my findings below.

*note: the literature review summary is still a work in progress and will be updated once completed!

Lit Review: C-section
Lit Review Paper Paragraph summary of findings

Mode of Delivery Decision Making & Consenting of C-sections (Literature Review)

A literature review was conducted in order to analyze the findings of mode of delivery decision making. The aim of this review was to gain a better understanding as to what factors influence mothers and obstetricians to opt for cesarean sections (C-sections) over vaginal births. The literature was found lacking studies that were conducted in the U.S, however many other developed countries had literature with useful findings that will be discussed. The overlapping findings between the studies were compiled into the following themes: obstetricians beliefs and convenience, maternal fear and anxiety, the impact of a country's health care system and unique cultural beliefs surrounding mode of delivery, and how advice from mothers physicians, family, and friends impact mother’s perception of childbirth and decision for mode of delivery. I compiled my findings were compiled into a Powerpoint and presented to my supervisor. I also attatched the write-up summary of my Literature Review below.