About Me

Academics + Certificates

  • Currently a Sophomore majoring in Biology (B.A.) with a minor in Spanish on a Pre-med track

  • Certified Medical Interpreter (Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreting Program)


  • Hiking :) (Long ones too!)

  • Reading

  • Music : Just listening or playing either my Violin or the Piano

  • Gardening

  • Board Games/Video Games

Why did I pick my major and minor?

I decided to be major in Biology (B.A.) because of my passion for learning and science. I enjoy the challenge of taking rigorous courses, and I love learning about Biology. My major also goes hand-in-hand with being pre-med as it covers all the courses I need to prepare for the MCAT. I decided to minor in Spanish because my goal is to be a bilingual physician in order to help decrease medical disparities caused by language barriers. I am a Native Spanish speaker. My parents are both Mexican immigrants, making me a First-Generation American within my family.

My Strengths as a Team Member

I attended a public Project-Based Learning High School (PBL). My high school not only taught us the standard statewide curriculum, but also incorporated project-work for every class. I spent four years working with different community partners in order to problem-solve and create presentations to explain the solutions or products we created for their projects. Working with multiple community partners allowed me to improve and expand my soft skills as presented below...

  • Oral Communication

  • Written Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Leadership

  • Critical-Thinking/Problem-Solving

  • Time Management

  • Flexibility

  • Dependability

  • Creativity

Newly Identified Team Strengths + My growth as a professional

My work as a first-time undergraduate intern allowed me to identify new Team Strengths, as well as ones I need to work on developing. I have grown into an undergraduate student with a strong base of research skills that will aid me as I continue to participate in further research at other internship sites. I have changed and grown into this newly developed professional skillset by stepping out of my comfort zone and working hard to learn new skills and not be afraid to learn from my mistakes.

Newly Identified Strengths

  • Conducting Literature Reviews

  • Professional written communication

  • Conducting Qualitative Analysis

  • Applying Constructive Feedback

  • Learning new skills quickly

  • Being able to learn and find personal and professional growth while learning


  • Confidently speaking up during meetings