
Project: Addiction my Point of View

  • This project was my senior project in high school. I selected a community partner that was involved with in the Latino Community, because one of my passions is to help advocate for Latinos. I worked with a local non-profit organization called Su Casa Columbus, located in my hometown of Columbus, Indiana. My project involved educating Spanish-speaking Latinos within my community about drug abuse. I did this by recruiting high school students into a videography competition in which they created educational and intriguing videos revolving around the topic of drug abuse in Spanish. These videos were then shown to an audience of about 100 Spanish-speaking Latinos.

  • Website to the Casa Columbus page https://www.sucasacolumbus.com/

Things I learned from this project that helped me become a good team member

  • Marketing and recruitment requires strong communication skills

  • To be flexible and create solutions to problems

  • Understand how to market to a specific audience

  • Learn to manage scheduling and communicating with multiple community partners

  • Time management and being able to balance a heavy work load

  • Learn how to budget and money management

  • Learn how to write a grant proposal

How this project influenced my Career Path + Internship Goals

  • I realized I liked to lead a team and was good at communicating with others and wanted more opportunities to do it more often

National Honors Society

I was Vice President and Co-founder of this chapter at my high school. I worked alongside the president and was in charge of presenting, scheduling, and leading club meetings, as well as being heavily involved in many club-related volunteer opportunities.

Things I learned from this experience to help me become a better team member:

  • Working alongside a team of club leaders in order to successfully plan volunteering opportunities and run meetings

  • Being able to present alongside members in order to make sure meetings ran smoothly and the objectives were clear to the members

How this experience influenced my career path + Internship Goals

  • Realized my growing passion for working in a collaborative environment to problem-solve and participate in volunteering opportunities to help better the community

Day of the Dead Festival

  • My school's Spanish class was in charge of leading the yearly "Day of the Dead Festival" that occurred in November at the Commons. I was on the managing team. Specifically, I was in charge of communicating with students in every Spanish class and helping them complete their portion of the project.

Things I learned from this project that helped me become a better team member

  • Communicating with others is essential, especially when a project has many moving parts

  • Working quickly to solve problems that occur before or during the event

How this experience influenced my career path + Internship goals

  • This was my first big project and managerial position in high school. It made me realize I was good at being a part of a team and creating solutions to problems

Activities I know I enjoy or do not enjoy based on my past experiences

Activities I enjoy

  • Leading a Team

  • Collaborating with others to problem-solve

  • Working with business partners to help create solutions to their problems

  • Volunteering to help improve my community

Activities I do not enjoy

  • Doing "busy work" that has no impact on my community or project

  • Sitting at a desk for hours and having little-to-no human interaction/collaboration