Professional Goals

Long Term Goals:

My long term goals have stayed relatively the same. I plan on graduating in the spring of 2023 with my pre-med degree from IUPUI. Hopefully by then I will have decided and applied to a medical school. Although I feel like I still have a lot of experience to gain in the various background of medicine to be sure I know what I'd like to do in the field.

Short Term Goals:

My short term goals are more centered around my current school work and the work I'm doing in the lab for my internship. Currently these goals include being the best asset I can to my project and developing as many marketable skills as possible while I am there. Again, I'm trying to meet and network with as many people in this field and on this project as i can in order to deepen my experiences here. I plan to have this internship at the top of a large list of relevant or developmental experiences on my resume, so the more connecting I do, the better. This is especially the case as this internship will be part of the portfolio that forms the foundation for my career in medicine.

Semester Goals:

My semester goals are more geared towards my school work and real-life experiences I could gain from my internship. Of course I'd like to end the semester on a high with good grades. A goal of mine that I've achieved and plan on continuing to achieve is making the Dean's List at the end of each semester.

Focusing on more real-life experience goals, I hope to continue learning good time management and organizational skills through my internship and school this semester. These are things I can struggle with often and creating a good foundation now will help me in the future. I think that this internship has, and will continue to, help me achieve these goals.