Career Goals

Academic/Career Goals

My current goal is to graduate college with a 4.0 GPA and get a good score on the MCAT test next year. Completing this goal will allow me to attain my main aspiration of gaining entrance to a good medical school. After medical school, I hope to become a practicing physician. These goals closely correlate to my interests in science and helping children. As a doctor, I will have to have a strong background in the sciences and it will be important to have strong interpersonal skills. I am nearly positive about this career choice. I have done extensive shadowing of doctors and I enjoy the classes that are relatable to the medical field. To continue to explore science and medicine, I will keep shadowing doctors and continue to find work in these two fields. Whether that be continuing at the same lab that I currently work in or finding somewhere else, I will continue to grow as a person and a professional. This summer, I hope to get a position in an internship program at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN. This will be a great opportunity because I'll get experience in a hospital and further develop my professional network.

Assurance of Goals

The experiences that I've had since being in college, between shadowing doctors and my LHSI internship, have cemented my resolve to becoming a physician. It's going to be a hard, long road to get there, but from what I've seen and observed I know it'll be worth it. I've stopped exploring other career options and now my only point of uncertainty lies in what type of physician I want to be.

The internship has shown me that I have a very strong drive to making new discoveries and advancing the field of medicine but that I don't have a strong love for bench work in a lab. If I did research in the future, it would likely be as a Principal Investigator and doing something similar to what Dr. Econs does. He has clinical and works partly as a physician and partly as the head of our research lab. I enjoy reading through research papers and learning about the current facts, but I don't have the patience to work through the hours of bench work needed to do an experiment and gather data.

I plan to continue shadowing physicians throughout the rest of my time left before medical school. I love learning about the different areas of medicine and getting the opportunity to learn as much as I can before actually entering medical school. Furthermore, I have an internship lined up this summer at a hospital in Fort Wayne. I'll get the opportunity to work full-time in a hospital and will get many benefits from the experience.