End of the Year Reflection

Skills/Experience Gained

This past academic year in an LHSI internship has been a life-changing experience. I have gained a plethora of knowledge and skills that I didn't have coming into this year. I've gained many laboratory skills such as how to operate a PCR, gel electrophoresis, converting RNA to cDNA, surgery skills, cell culture abilities, and how to handle mice. Most importantly, I've learned how to conduct my own independent research experiment from start to finish. I understand how to research a specific topic and translate that information into a new, novel idea. Then I learned how to test that idea and finally how to to present the information gained from those experiments. This experience allowed me to build upon my strengths of ingenuity and hard work. I was able to stretch the limits of my scientific imagination to come up with an idea that had never been tested before. It took a lot of hard work and determination to be able to see the research to fruition because there were many roadblocks and issues. However, this only strengthened those skills and made me more resilient.


As I mentioned, the completion of this project didn't come without its fair share of challenges. To begin, the first time we tried to culture cells the number that we had was much lower than what we expected/needed. Therefore, we had to call an audible and cut out part of the experiment that we had originally planned for. Then we had many troubles working with the experimental drug. We ordered a very small amount so it was difficult to measure and work with. Then the RNA that we extracted was not good quality so we had to edit the protocol to attempt to get better results. Many days, I didn't have enough time to finish my experiments so I had to rely on others in the lab to finish up. To top everything off, I didn't even get the chance to collect all my data or finish up the year in my lab because of the COVID-19 situation. As can be seen, there were many challenges I faced this year and it seemed like every day presented a new challenge. I couldn't have finished the year without the help of the wonderful people in my lab site. They selflessly took time out of their days to help me overcome these challenges and produce a quality poster that I believe presented some promising findings.

Professional Experience/Goals

I have definitely expanded my professional network since beginning in my internship. I have made valuable connections with my PI who is a practicing physician. I am also close with our lab manager as well as the PhD of the lab. We have weekly lab meetings that I attended as well as lab lunches and potlucks. During these, I met and became familiar with personnel from other labs. Furthermore, we had a patient group study where I was able to meet with various researchers and medical professionals from Indiana University and other locations in the country. Next November, I hope to attend the National Honors College Conference where I hope to eventually present my research. I am also participating in the Honors College Showcase this year.

I had originally been accepted into the Parkview Summer Internship Program in Fort Wayne, IN. In this program, I would have gained valuable clinical experience as well as developed patient relation skills while working the front desk in the pain management center. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 this internship program has been cancelled. Unfortunately, it is too late to apply for other programs and those have likely been cancelled as well. I don't currently know what I'll do this summer. In the fall, I'd like to return to work at the same research site that I was at this year. I have become passionate about the research there and would love to continue it. Next spring, I plan to take the MCAT and begin applying for medical schools.