
Undergraduate Education

IUPUI Class of 2023

Freshman Year 2019-2020

Embarking on my collegiate journey, I initially enrolled at Indiana University in Bloomington (IUB) for my first semester. However, I quickly realized that the campus atmosphere and learning environment did not resonate with me. The vast class sizes made it difficult for me to connect with professors or seek the assistance I needed. I yearned for a more engaging and supportive academic setting. Thus, I made the decision to transfer to Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).

Transitioning to IUPUI presented its own set of challenges. Unfortunately, my introductory courses from IUB did not transfer as core classes, resulting in them being counted as electives. Although it was disheartening, I remained determined to catch up on the necessary coursework for my Biology major. Despite feeling like I would be in school forever, I embraced the journey ahead with unwavering determination.

Upon starting at IUPUI, I actively sought opportunities to get involved on campus. Attending various club meetings, such as the Biology Club and Pre-Dental Club, allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and gain insights into my field of interest. However, as spring of 2020 unfolded, the world was plunged into the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing about unprecedented challenges.

I vividly recall my BIO-K 101 professor expressing uncertainty about seeing us after spring break due to the outbreak. It felt surreal when I received the email from IUPUI, extending spring break for two weeks and subsequently announcing the transition to remote learning. Adapting to this new educational landscape proved to be immensely challenging, particularly with the sudden shift to online classes.

Personally, I encountered unexpected difficulties navigating Zoom and completing my coursework remotely. I distinctly remember moments of terror and frustration, particularly during my computer programming class. Computers and different software had always been a struggle for me, and tackling a programming course from the confines of my own home felt incredibly daunting. The disconnect from the traditional classroom setting made everything seem surreal, and I found myself grappling with a range of questions and doubts. How long would this last? How would I manage as the coursework became more demanding? I felt isolated, yearning for the familiarity of in-person education.

Nevertheless, I summoned my resilience and determination to finish my freshman year on a strong note. Balancing my academic commitments with a full-time position at Amazon and a part-time job to support myself and my household was undoubtedly demanding. Amidst the challenges, I decided to apply for the Life Health Sciences Internship Program and was thrilled to be accepted—an affirmation of my dedication to pursuing my passion for dentistry.

Towards the end of the semester, tragedy struck my family when we lost a loved one to COVID-19. It was a stark reminder of the devastating reality unfolding around the world, intensifying my understanding of the gravity of the situation. My freshman year in college was a rollercoaster of unexpected circumstances and personal growth. Despite the uncertainties and difficulties, I remained steadfast in my pursuit of academic excellence and my unwavering aspiration to become a dentist. These challenges only fueled my drive to continue pushing forward, adapt to new circumstances, and overcome any obstacles that stood in my path.

Sophomore Year 2020-2021

As I ventured into my sophomore year, I maintained a positive outlook despite the ongoing online format of my courses. Being a science major, I had the opportunity to attend in-person chemistry labs on a rotating schedule, which provided a welcome change from the virtual classroom setting. One highlight of my sophomore year was the start of my internship at Riley's Children's Hospital, where I was eager to delve into my research on type two diabetes in children. Although I couldn't directly interact with patients due to the pandemic, I was fortunate to work alongside supportive supervisors and staff members. Engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations and receiving guidance whenever I had questions fostered a truly enriching experience. My internship primarily entailed office work, and we conducted virtual meetings, adapting to the constraints imposed by the pandemic.

Initially, I assumed that everyone had a similar experience, having gone through a test run of remote learning during the previous semester's final weeks. However, as the new semester began, I soon realized that was not the case. In my first week of classes, one of my professors struggled to navigate Zoom, and that was the last I heard from them. Consequently, I found myself grappling with the challenges of teaching myself the course material under these circumstances. We were directed to utilize pre-recorded lectures and complete tests when they became available. This situation induced anxiety as I had never before encountered such a high level of self-reliance in comprehending and applying new concepts. I felt the absence of communication with my professor  and peers to seek clarification or guidance, which further compounded the difficulty of the course.

Despite the hardships, I did find solace in one particular class during the fall of my sophomore year—my metalsmith and jewelry redesigning class. This course provided a welcome departure from my rigorous science schedule, allowing me to explore a different creative outlet. I was also able to work on my dexterity for dentistry with this course.

Moving on to the spring semester of my sophomore year, I faced my breaking point. Enrolled in organic chemistry and carrying a heavy course load of 17 credit hours, I juggled these academic commitments alongside a full-time job and my internship. It was an overwhelming and daunting period. However, it was during this challenging semester that I discovered valuable insights about myself. I realized that my previously held belief of being an organized individual adept at time management was not entirely accurate. The difficulty of organic chemistry and its impact on my post-undergraduate aspirations added immense stress to my already demanding schedule. I couldn't help but think that this particular class would be the determinant of my acceptance into dental school or lack thereof. The pressure I placed upon myself led to cramming for exams in my other courses, further complicating the delicate balance between academics, internship, work, and personal life. I questioned whether this overwhelming experience was what adulthood entailed, wondering why the classes seemed more difficult even though they were conducted online. I began to doubt myself, believing that something was inherently wrong with me for struggling to grasp the course material. This marked a departure from my previous academic success, where understanding different concepts had come naturally to me. The transition to online learning had a profound impact on me, one that I couldn't fully recognize at the time. Instead, I internalized the struggle and concluded that the fault laid within myself. Nevertheless, I persevered and completed the semester to the best of my ability, hoping that junior year would bring about a more favorable academic experience.

Unfortunately, as the semester drew to a close, tragedy struck once again when a dear friend, who happened to share my birthday, was tragically killed by a drunk driver. This heartbreaking event event further underscored the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

Junior Year 2021-2022

Junior year brought a sense of carefreeness as everyone returned to campus. I embraced new roles as a Life Health Science Internship Ambassador and a member of the Chancellor's Student Advisory Board. Being an ambassador allowed me to mentor fellow interns, providing guidance in both their internships and shared coursework. However, there was an underlying fear as I entered junior year, stemming from discouraging conversations with the advisors from the pre-professional program at IUPUI. They expressed doubts about my chances of getting into dental school with a less-than-ideal grade in organic chemistry. The weight of their words left me feeling disheartened, questioning whether I would succeed in the remainder of my undergraduate journey and ultimately secure a spot in dental school. I had already conducted extensive research on dental school before entering college, and their remarks held some credibility. From that point forward, I placed immense pressure on myself to excel in every aspect of my academic and personal life. I began exploring alternative pathways to dental school, seeking guidance from individuals in the dental school themselves. Recognizing that I would be taking organic chemistry two, I held onto the belief that if I could pass the first course, I had the potential to succeed in the second.

On October 2, 2021, tragedy struck once again when someone I deeply loved and was close to became the victim of a violent crime. Two days later, I found myself facing an organic chemistry exam—a moment that will forever remain etched in my memory. During this period, I struggled immensely. I couldn't bring myself to attend classes regularly until the end of November. Being on campus was challenging, as panic and sleeplessness consumed my days and nights. I refrained from sharing my situation with professors, as I had learned throughout my previous college years that personal circumstances often fell on deaf ears. Regardless of the pain I was experiencing or the support I needed, I knew I would still be expected to take tests and complete coursework. So, I pressed on. Acting as emotional, physical, and financial support for the individual affected by the tragedy became my priority, forcing me to set aside my own feelings and responsibilities. The rest of the semester became a blur, and I can hardly recall how I managed to pass my classes despite the immense hardship.

Approaching the next semester, I mustered the strength to maintain a positive outlook. One particular highlight was my enrollment in a human anatomy class, where I had the extraordinary opportunity to hold a human brain during a visit to the cadaver lab. Additionally, I began independent research at the IU School of Dentistry, focusing on information pertaining to human gingival in a laboratory setting. This experience deepened my understanding of human gingival and its various inflammatory responses within the human body. Junior semester seemed promising, but just before spring break, my four-year relationship came to an end, leaving me devastated. I couldn't fathom facing such a significant emotional upheaval while excelling in my classes. Anxiety resurfaced, making it challenging for me to be around people. I craved solitude and withdrew from social interactions, desperately needing time for self-reflection. Unfortunately, as a full-time employee, full-time student, and campus worker, isolating myself entirely was not an option. Despite the circumstances, I pushed through the semester to the best of my ability, although I unfortunately failed physics. Nonetheless, I held onto the hope of a better senior year, eager to embark on the next chapter of my academic journey.

Senior Year 2022-2023

In the fall semester of my senior year, I found myself returning as a Life Health Science Internship (LHSI) ambassador and continuing my role as a member of the Chancellor's Student Advisory Board. Reflecting on my previous experience as an ambassador and member of CSAB, I set new goals for my senior year. At this point, I believed that nothing else could hinder my progress. Free from distractions, I was determined to give my all in my courses while balancing a full-time job. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. I excelled in my classes, sought increased involvement on campus, and made efforts to build stronger relationships with my peers. It was shaping up to be a fantastic semester.

However, on December 14th, I received an unexpected phone call that shattered my sense of stability. I learned that my beloved auntie had passed away. This devastating news arrived during my finals week, just two hours before I was due to take another exam. She raised me. My auntie was an incredible woman, and her sudden loss left me feeling distraught, confused, and filled with anger. I struggled to ground myself amid the overwhelming emotions that consumed me during that time. That lady was instrumental in my upbringing and she was like my best friend. 

As the spring semester of my senior year began, I was once again plagued by fear and uncertainty. I enrolled in biochemistry, a course that evoked similar feelings to my experience with organic chemistry. Doubts crept in, and I convinced myself that this class would be the one preventing me from graduating. In an effort to prioritize my academics, I made the difficult decision to transition to part-time work at my off-campus job. It was the first time since my junior year of high school that I had deviated from full-time employment. Although the decision came with financial implications for myself and my household, I recognized the need to prioritize my grades during this crucial semester. I prayed fervently for an uninterrupted semester, free from further tragedy or loss. I yearned for a stress-free environment where I could focus on my studies. With a course load of only 14 credit hours, I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to my academic pursuits, utilizing any free time I had as a result of going part-time at my job. Each morning, I reminded myself that I had no excuses. Graduation was a non-negotiable goal, and I knew I had to excel in my classes to increase my chances of getting into dental school. Going part-time at my job allowed me to showcase my ability and commitment to academic excellence. My grades became a testament to my hard work and determination. While acknowledging that I had responsibilities beyond school, I strived to demonstrate that school remained my top priority. I successfully passed biochemistry with a commendable B grade.

On May 14th, 2023, I proudly graduated from IUPUI with a bachelor's degree in biology from the Purdue School of Science. The culmination of my undergraduate journey brought a sense of accomplishment and relief. Despite the obstacles and personal challenges I faced throughout my years in college, I persevered and achieved my goal of earning my degree. This milestone marked the first step towards realizing my dream of becoming a dentist only getting closer. As I reflect on my experiences, I am reminded of my unwavering drive and determination to overcome adversity, and I am eager to embark on the next chapter of my journey towards dental school and a fulfilling career in dentistry.

Pictures from graduation!!!


Throughout my personal journey, I have undergone significant self-discovery and growth. It became evident to me that my level of maturity surpassed that of many individuals my age. The multitude of tragedies and losses I experienced during my undergraduate years profoundly impacted me, leading to an unexpected and transformative shift in my personality. As a naturally organized individual, I have a tendency towards meticulous planning, and some might even label me as having traits of OCD. However, college introduced me to a different facet of myself, compelling me to cultivate greater flexibility and resilience.

One of the most crucial lessons I learned was how to navigate loss in a constructive and healthy manner. Previously unbeknownst to me, anxiety permeated my being, especially when confronted with exams or social situations. Consequently, I recognized the importance of embracing failure as an invaluable learning experience—an unfamiliar concept to me prior to entering college. By assimilating these teachings, I progressively gained independence in a positive manner, adapting to adverse circumstances by seeking out silver linings.

Furthermore, I developed a deeper understanding of the coping mechanisms that aid me during challenging times. I discovered the significance of refraining from destructive behavior and closed-mindedness when faced with setbacks. Moreover, I realized that while numerous aspects of life lie beyond my control, my education remains firmly within my grasp. Consequently, I embraced the notion that my success is contingent upon my own efforts, always remaining my own  advocate. Even if I find myself lacking support from others, I firmly believe in my own abilities and potential.

Next Steps:

After my sophomore year, I came to the realization that I needed to explore alternative pathways to achieve my goal of getting into dental school. It became clear that I would have to take additional steps to bolster my science GPA. To address this, I delved into researching various master's programs that could provide the necessary boost. Simultaneously, I embarked on a rigorous study regimen for the Dental Admission Test (DAT) at the end of my senior year during the spring semester until the end of summer.

Immersing myself in DAT preparation allowed me to identify the gaps in my knowledge that had emerged during the challenging period of the Covid-19 pandemic. It became evident which subjects and concepts I had missed or struggled to grasp at that time. This valuable insight gained from studying for the DAT has enabled me to rectify those shortcomings and reinforce my understanding.

As the summer approaches, I have charted out my plans to work diligently while dedicating ample time to prepare for the DAT. This comprehensive approach will ensure that I am well-prepared for the exam. Additionally, I am excited to apply for the pre-professional non-thesis program at IUPUI to obtain my master's degree in biology. This program will provide me with a solid foundation and further enhance my academic credentials.

Looking ahead, my focus will shift towards applying to dental schools at the end of the summer. Armed with my strengthened GPA, successful completion of the DAT, and an enriching master's program, I am confident in my ability to present a competitive application that highlights my commitment and readiness for dental school.

In summary, I have recognized the need for a strategic approach to achieve my dream of becoming a dentist. By taking on a master's program, working diligently, and dedicating myself to DAT preparation, I am determined to maximize my chances of gaining admission to dental school.