Primary and Secondary Education 

Primary Education

My upbringing was firmly rooted in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana  in the welcoming community of Washington Township. I had the privilege of attending John Strange Elementary School, a place that ignited my lifelong love for learning.

From an early age, I embraced a multitude of activities that broadened my horizons and sparked my intellectual curiosity. As a proud member of the Girl Scouts, I delved into a world of camaraderie, leadership, and community service. This involvement instilled in me a sense of responsibility, empathy, and a passion for making a positive impact on the world around me.

In addition to my commitment to the Girl Scouts, I discovered a fervent enthusiasm for cheerleading. The thrill of uplifting my teammates, mastering intricate routines, and rallying the crowd created an unwavering sense of camaraderie and discipline within me. Through cheerleading, I learned the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and the power of collective effort in achieving shared goals.

Music, too, played an influential role in shaping my early years. I eagerly participated in the school choir where I discovered a means of self-expression. I also eagerly seized opportunities to showcase my talents in numerous talent shows.

Amidst these rich and diverse experiences, a burning passion for learning began to flourish within me. The stimulating environment of John Strange Elementary School nurtured my intellectual curiosity and cultivated a thirst for knowledge that continues to drive me today. The dedication and support of my teachers further ignited my love for education, inspiring me to pursue continuous personal and academic growth.

The years spent at John Strange Elementary School laid a solid foundation for my educational journey, instilling in me a profound appreciation for the power of learning. It was here that my diverse interests converged, intertwining with my innate curiosity, and propelling me towards a lifelong commitment to acquiring knowledge and embracing new challenges.

Secondary Education

Middle School

Continuing my academic journey, I transitioned to Eastwood Middle School, where I eagerly embraced the opportunity to enroll in honors classes. During this pivotal phase of my education, my dedication and hard work were recognized when I received the esteemed 21st Century Scholars Award, a testament to my commitment to academic excellence.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a passion for exploration, I engaged in a diverse range of extracurricular activities at Eastwood Middle School. As a member of the Science Olympiad, I eagerly delved into the fascinating world of scientific inquiry, honing my problem-solving skills and fostering a love for discovery. In addition, I enthusiastically participated in the choir.

Sports played a prominent role in my middle school years as well. I devoted my energy to the track and field team, where I competed in shot put, harnessing my physical strength and discipline. Simultaneously, my dedication to competitive cheerleading allowed me to showcase my teamwork abilities, coordination, and unwavering spirit.

Determined to make the most of my summers, I eagerly enrolled in various programs that further enriched my educational journey. One notable experience was my participation in the Minority Engineering Achievement Program (MEAP) at IUPUI. This immersive program exposed me to a range of engineering disciplines and provided a platform to forge connections within the dental field—a profession I had already set my sights on. These formative summers not only solidified my passion for dentistry but also broadened my understanding of the interconnectedness of different disciplines within the field of healthcare.

Recognizing the importance of personal development and leadership, I sought out programs offered by the Center for Leadership Development (CLD). Through participation in the Imani Book Club, Junior Self Discovery, Precious Miss, Success Prep, College Prep, Self Discovery, Emerging Scholars, and SAT Prep, I honed my critical thinking skills, cultivated my leadership abilities, and gained invaluable insights into personal growth and academic success.

High School

Upon reaching North Central High School, I eagerly immersed myself in a challenging academic curriculum, enrolling in numerous honors and advanced placement courses, particularly focusing on science and mathematics. Simultaneously, I embarked on a new journey as I secured my first job at Kroger, gaining firsthand experience in the world of work and developing valuable skills in customer service and time management.

I participated in Preparing Outstanding Women for Engineering Roles (POWER) during my summers. This immersive program, tailored specifically for high school women, allowed me to reside on IUPUI's campus, engaging in intensive coursework and hands-on experiences.

Throughout my high school years, I actively sought out avenues for personal and academic growth. I became a member of the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) Mentor Program during my freshman and junior years, gaining invaluable mentorship and insights into the world of design and construction. Additionally, I joined the Environmental Club, contributing to initiatives that aimed to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness within our school community, as well as working with Keeping Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB).

Taking advantage of the opportunities provided by my school, I participated in the dental program during my senior year, earning my radiology license and deepening my knowledge of the dental profession. These experiences propelled me toward graduation with North Central Academic and Technical Honors, proudly culminating my high school journey with a remarkable 4.0 GPA.

Pictures from graduation, open house, and graduation dinner!