About Me

I am currently a second year first generation DACA student at IUPUI majoring in neuroscience with a minor in legal studies and chemistry on a pre-physician assistant track. I chose my major because how the brain functions is something that since I was a little girl has intrigued me. The brain is one, if not the most important organ in our human body system. Neuroscience is a major that will help me complete my prerequisites to apply to the physician assistant program and also allow me to become more knowledgeable about the brain and the impact it has on cognitive functions as well as behavior.

Strengths and Skills

Strengths and skills are something that I hope to learn every day. My strengths and skills are something that allow me to not only know more about myself everyday but, also allows me to letting others know more about myself.

I consider some of my greatest strengths to be responsibility, determination, and being open-minded. I always aim to be as responsible as I can due to the fact that this allows others to depend on me and also trust me. Something that I believe allows helps me be responsible is having my planner. My planner allows me to be organized and responsible, I write everything in my planner. I consider myself to be very determined. I think a huge part about me being so determined is knowing that I will overcome statistics that are set against me. I believe it is very important to do something for yourself and this is something I am doing for myself. Knowing that what I am doing is for my future also allows me to be so determined. Being open minded is a strength that I hope strengthens every day. Being open minded is something I know will allow me to work well with others in any career field. With being open minded I have allowed myself to take criticism and grow from it instead of feeling attacked or feeling like I am not doing good enough.