
Putting It All Together

All of my past work experiences helped me develop my communication, time-management, and accountability skills. In the past, I had difficulty speaking up whenever I didn't understand something or when a problem occurred, but all of these experiences helped me gain confidence in communicating those things. These experiences also taught me how to manage my time with studying, attending classes, going to work, and spending time with my family/friends. I know how to efficiently organize my time now so that I can get multiple priorities taken care of each week. Based off of my past work/volunteering experiences, I learned that I prefer to work in a team, but I am also efficient at working by myself, too. I also learned that I enjoy gathering and analyzing data. However, my experiences also revealed that I don't like working too close to deadlines. I prefer to get work done ahead of time if possible so that I don't feel rushed to finish something and risk not having high quality work. I know this is something I need to get more comfortable with, especially with how unpredictable research can be in my future of working in the medical field.


Teamwork is vital for success when it comes to the work setting. Most jobs and/or careers require the ability to work in team; it is very rare that you will be in a position where you do not rely on anyone else. Although every experience I have had in the past has helped me strengthen my teamwork skills, I have seen a lot of progress since becoming an LHSI ambassador. For example, every week, the LHSI team meets to talk about what we need to do, upcoming events, and to brainstorm for intern chats and workshop events. Brandi always pushes us to come up with novel and fun ideas of things we can do within our program. This creative and elaborative side of teamwork has challenged me to think outside of the box more. In the past, I have struggled with coming up with ideas and executing them. However, thanks to the rest of the LHSI team, this is something I have become more comfortable with throughout the school year. This experience taught me that although teamwork is a collaborative skill, it can still push you to improve on personal skills.


Patient Advocate Liason (PAL) for ENRICH-US Study

ENRICH-US stands for ENhanced Recovery In CHildren Undergoing SUrgery. It is a national study led by Northwestern University that has 18 total pediatric hospitals involved. The purpose of this study is to enhance the recovery process for children undergoing GI surgery. Riley Hospital is involved in this study, and I was asked to be a part of the Riley team as a PAL! My role is to speak on behalf of the patients and their families, as I have been through a handful of pediatric GI surgeries and have a good understanding of the recovery process. I give my input and ideas based off of my experiences to the Riley Team and the overall study team in order to help improve outcomes for future pediatric GI patients. This position has allowed to develop a stronger understanding of what is currently going on in the world of general surgery, which is amazing because this is an area I am heavily interested in for my future career!

LHSI Ambassador

For the entirety of my junior and senior years, I was an ambassador for LHSI. My responsibilities include communicating with/helping the interns and grading their ePortfolios, assisting with recruitment of future interns, helping applicants during application season, networking with student organizations to spread the word about LHSI, and working with the rest of the LHSI team to coordinate events for the interns and come up with new ideas. This position has allowed me to further expand in my leadership skills because I am in charge of a portion of the interns, and they rely on me for certain information/help on their ePortfolios. One of my favorite parts of this job is being able to connect with other programs at IUPUI and talk to future applicants! I love being able to tell them about our program and direct help in whatever way they need.


Organic Chemistry PLTL Leader

During Fall 2021, I led a recitation for organic chemistry. Some of my responsibilities included attending a weekly meeting with the other orgo leaders to discuss the recitation problems for the given week, proctoring exams, hosting exam review sessions, and leading my recitation. I have always wanted to have a teaching position so I can further improve my leadership skills, and this experience provided that for me! Some valuable skills I learned were how to redirect questions, problem-solve with my students, and how to professionally teach while still being a peer. I'm excited to continue this experience in future semesters and utilize these skills in medical school!

Clinical Research Assistant

After my internship with Dr. Mueller was done, she extended an offer for me to continue working with her through the summer and indefinitely! IU School of Medicine hired me as a clinical research assistant, and I also was a student selected for the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) for the summer. This summer, I was in charge of recruitment and interviews for the beta phase testing of Cope 360. This was an amazing learning experience for me because I became a lot more confident with speaking to caregivers of children with cancer because I had to stay in consistent contact with them throughout the duration of the research study.


LHSI Intern

During my sophomore year, I was an LHSI intern for Dr. Emily Mueller at Riley Hospital for Children. Dr. Mueller's research focused on understanding the experiences caregivers and children with cancer go through as they navigate the healthcare system. One of our main projects was the development of a mHealth (mobile health) tool called Cope 360. This app allows caregivers to track their child's symptoms, manage medications, and create an emergency preparedness plan. One of the major tasks was being in charge of recruiting and interviewing eligible caregivers for beta testing, which had caregivers use the app for a one-week study period to see how well the app works. Being involved in this study has helped me build my communication skills, professionalism, time management, and critical thinking.

Family Relations Committee Member for Jagathon

During the 2020-2021 academic year, I've been working as a committee member for Jagathon in the Family Relations committee. My responsibilities include fundraising money for Riley Hospital, attending committee meetings and events, and meeting with Riley kids and their families to keep them in the loop for all of the events that Jagathon has planned for the year.

Zebrafish in a Tank. Digital Image. The University of Sheffield. 27 November 2018. https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/zebrafish-unllock-mysetery-motor-neurone-disease-1.818236

First-Year Apprenticeship Program

During my freshman year, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. James Marrs' research team in the School of Science. This was made possible through the First-Year Apprenticeship Program for biology majors. Dr. Marrs' research focuses on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and uses zebrafish as a research model for genetic modifications. My main tasks while I worked in the lab were to take care of the research subjects by feeding them, taking daily measurements of water, performing monthly water quality tests, and cleaning lab equipment. While I worked here, I learned how to accurately gather and analyze data and communicate in a professional and efficient manner with my team members. In the past, I have had a difficult time speaking up whenever I had a question or needed instructions to be repeated. However, through this experience, I became more confident in myself and realized that there is nothing wrong with asking for clarification. This is an important skills to have at my internship site, especially since most of the work needs to be done remotely due to COVID-19. Before this experience, I never considered focusing on research as a doctor, so this opened my mind to that possibility.

Warehouse Associate

From summer 2019 to summer 2021, I worked at a commercial printing shop called Tactive (formerly known as Print Resources). My job was to prepare packages for shipping, print shipping labels, count/record inventory, and assemble gift packages for clients. All of the work I did here had strict deadlines and had to be done with the help of multiple people, so communication, organization, and efficiency were crucial skills to have. This experience proved to myself that I know how to effectively work in a group and delegate/teach tasks to others, so it reinforced my future goal of attending medical school.

Tactive Logo. Digital Image. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/heytactive