About Me

Who am I?

I'm currently finishing my senior year at IUPUI as a Biology major with a focus on pre-med, as my goal is to go to medical school. Although I am not set on what I want to specialize in, I have put a lot of thought into pediatric general surgery and gastroenterology. LHSI has allowed me to further explore all of the options that will become available to me once I get accepted into medical school, so I am excited to see what other opportunities head my way as a result!

Being an LHSI intern and ambassador allowed me to grow professionally in numerous ways. Because my internship site was remotely based, I had to work independently on many of the projects that I was assigned. Being able to work on my own and balance multiple research projects at once helped me grow because I've become more confident in myself and my abilities. As an ambassador, I took the skills I learned at my internship and continued to expand on them. I work with a larger team as an ambassador and am in charge of many things, so constant communication with my team is crucial for success. We meet often to make sure we are all on the same page and know what our responsibilities are.

A picture from when I shadowed an anesthesiologist at Eskenazi Health. December 2018.

Why Biology?

When I was about 10 years old, I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). In short, this disease causes the growth of pre-cancerous polyps in the large intestine, rectum, and some other organs. My experiences living with FAP fueled a strong passion in me to help others who are going through similar experiences that I have been through and continue to go through. Rare disease awareness and research are two things I care immensely about, so as a future physician, I aspire to contribute to these causes.

My Key Strengths

  • Time management

  • Communication

  • Efficiency

  • Self-motivation

During my freshman year, I had the opportunity to work in a research lab with Dr. James Marrs and his team. During this time, I learned how to manage my time between not only school and work, but also between the different tasks that the lab needed me to do. Because I worked with several other people, I strengthened my communication skills by asking for clarification whenever I needed it or by explaining how to do tasks I have mastered to new team members. Because the work I did went towards research, it was crucial that I was efficient in everything I did. I always took my time with tasks, and I carried this skill over into my internship site. Working remotely takes a lot of drive and self-motivation. By being aware of why I was doing the work that I was doing at my internship site and how eager I was to see what would come of the research we did, I was able to motivate myself to work to my highest ability.

One strength that I am still working on is taking initiative. This is something I have always struggled with due to my quiet and reserved nature. However, I have become more confident in myself and my ideas with all the research experiences I have had so far, so I hope that I will be able to list this as a key strength soon!


I have had multiple opportunities to grow as a leader this year. These include being an LHSI ambassador and a PLTL leader for organic chemistry. Both of these experiences taught me that being a good leader takes strong communication, a consistent presence, and firm knowledge of what you stand for. In order for others to follow you, they need to trust that you know what you are doing and see that you are confident in yourself. Being a PLTL leader pushed me majorly in this aspect because I could only be helpful to my class if I kept up with the material they were learning. I always had to be prepared for whatever questions they would ask me.

Before becoming a PLTL leader and LHSI ambassador, I was unsure of how strong of a leader I could be. I had never been placed in charge of so many people at once, so I was a little nervous going into these positions. However, because I prepared for both of these experiences and went into them exuding self-confidence, I realized that I am fully capable of being a reliable leader. Presently, I see myself as a well prepared leader who is passionate about helping others. I communicate efficiently, am honest about my experiences and knowledge, and am always willing to learn how to better myself more. I am excited to pick up future leadership opportunities so I can expand on these qualities even more.


Within the next few years, I would love to experience a lot of personal growth. I want to get to know myself better and learn how to be fully content being my own individual. This is something I have been working on for over a year, but I know there is still progress to be made. This is an important goal for me because I will always be around myself as people come and go, so I want to be able to enjoy that time by myself!

As I become more self-aware and get to know myself better, I will be able to grow in every other area of my life, too. Personal growth will assist me as I go through medical school and beyond that because I will have gained a better understanding of my mental limits, boundaries, things that make me anxious, and so on. If I am able to have better control and awareness over those things, I will have an easier time getting through the hardships that come along with medical school.


My passions and Interests

Some notable passions and interests of mine are rare disease research, fitness and nutrition, reading, and forming valuable relationships with others. I've always been interested in rare disease research due to personal experience living with a rare disease called FAP. Being able to contribute to this area of research as a doctor would mean the world to me! Fitness and nutrition have been a major part of my life for the past 5 or 6 years. I enjoy taking care of my body and fueling it correctly so that I can do all the activities that I love. Feeling good in my body is crucial for me to succeed in other areas of my life. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies outside of school. Whenever I get too overwhelmed with my responsibilities, reading is a good de-stressor for me.


Professionalism professionalism is made up of characteristics and actions. Someone who portrays professionalism is efficient, reliable, organized, sets realistic goals, manages their time wisely, and communicates with others in an effective manner. People who behave professionally also interact with others in a way that makes them feel respected, included, and valued.

The biggest lesson I've learned so far at IUPUI

A major lesson I've learned through my first 3 years at IUPUI is that you are the only person who can achieve the goals you set for yourself. If you really want something, you need to have the drive, discipline, and self-motivation to get it. No one else is capable of reaching your goals for you. It's important to realize this so you can put yourself out there and form connections with your professors, other students, organizations, and so on. Don't be afraid to reach out to others! You never know what kind of opportunities will come from it.

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