Jondea Mon ePortfolio

Jondea in cap and gown with parent's embrace.

Hi There, welcome to my page!

My preferred name is Jondea Mon (pronounced Jawnday Mawn sounds like Monday lawn). My current major is Biology BS and minor in Chemistry on the premed track. My career goals are to accomplish a bachelors degree, continue to graduate school (AKA medical school) and a residency as either an OB/GYN or Anesthesiologist. As of currently to help me gain more clinical experience I have worked as a CNA for a year and half. I have also volunteered in the hospital setting for years now to gain more insight. I have also worked in retail and food services for as long as I can remember.

This page was created to show the journey and act as a timeline as I move through this Internship. Excitingly enough, my internship sight works with type 2 diabetes in children, so basically adolescent diabetes.

Thank you for walking through my experience with me!