
Internship Goals:

  • Shadow other professionals (such as lab researchers and diabetes educators), to see what there aspect of the job looks like and what resources they use to help children get better access to diabetes help/knowledge.

I will be actively searching for time and opportunity to be able to job shadow. This may help with the project that is dur in the spring.

  • To get a more rounded experience in Clinical Research.

I will achieve this by working on the registry database, and shadowing other professionals (lab and diabetes educations). I have very limited experience in clinical research, I would love to gain more.

  • Shadow within the clinics that are ran in person, or virtually.

Date has already set for November 1, at IU - Methodists to shadow a nurse practitioner at the clinics there.

Career Goals:

I hope in experiencing a more clinical style research site, I may become a more well-rounded candidate for graduate school. I also hope to learn more skills that could aide in my career goals to reach the point. Beyond grad school I hope to match into residency and so on and so forth. Not only does it help prepare me for grad school but also in the professional way as well. Developing those skills necessary for this research will make me more prepared in a work settings.

The time has not impacted my goals of pursuing a career in medicine, if anything it has confirmed it. It has helped me take a step towards preparing for my goals (i.e. applying to medical school and understanding healthcare systems). It has been a confirming feeling of the career choices I want to make! I feel more confident in self knowledge and preferences more and more because of this experience.

Internship Goals for Fall

My current academic goal is to pass organic chemistry and genetics courses with at least a B. These courses are very challenging but from where I am standing I think I can easily hit this goal and hopefully go beyond just a B. As for my career goals more current to now, I am thinking of possibly finding a job outside of being a CNA to be in a women's clinic, maybe receptionist. Either that or to get my QMA license or work as a scribe. I feel as though I need different kinds of clinical experience than the CNA clinical experiences I already have. To be a better professional, I aim to be more well rounded in my experience.

With the rest of my time here at IUPUI, I plan to be more active in my community and the student organization that I am an executive board member on. Helping to build a better community for a percentage of the student body and possibly becoming a TA may be a way that I can grow this year as well.

  • To reach my end goals for this semester, I must better my skills of time management. It's very easy to fall behind academically and can delay my ability to focus on my research site as well as LHSI projects. Another skill that I need to develop is the ability to explain things with more sophisticated language. Proper professional English is a skill I need to work on.

  • I feel as though overall my goals have not changed by much. I was able to shadow the clinic and develop a more profound knowledge of clinical research by starting a project chart review with my supervisor on our own accord. However, I did not reach my goal of shadowing in a lab but that goal has since changed as my interests in lab settings has dwindled.

Big Career Goals

A big career goal for me as of current is to move away from my job as a CNA and become employed as a scribe. Scribe work helps me develop better skills in regards to communicating with medical terminology and would open up my experiences to a lot more. This is a big career goal because it helps to develop by resume as I plan to apply to medical school.