About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Israel Oladeji. In the world of academia and professional growth, I’ve carved out my path in Computer Science, a field that fascinates me with its endless possibilities and its pivotal role in shaping our future. I’m currently a student deeply immersed in understanding not just the technicalities of computer science but also how it intertwines with business operations. This dual interest has led me to a valuable internship at Networks Connect, where I serve as a Business Operations Intern.

I chose Computer Science because of my passion for technology and problem-solving. The more I delve into this field, the more I am intrigued by how technology can not only solve complex problems but also streamline and improve business processes. My aspiration is to become a professional who stands at the crossroads of technology and business, using my skills to drive innovation and efficiency.

I’ve created this ePortfolio as a space to share my journey and experiences. It’s a collection of my academic achievements, professional experiences, and reflections on how each step is shaping my career path.

I'm a dynamic, highly motivated Computer Science student with an expected graduation in April 2026 from Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus. I have a GED from Ben Davis University High School (2021). I'm bilingual in English and Japanese, and a native speaker of Yoruba. My experience includes a Recruitment Intern role at Networks Connect since January 2024 and an Inventory Associate position at Amazon from January 2022. I am skilled in computer programming, customer experience, and various technical and software skills. I am recognized for my problem-solving abilities, creativity, and commitment to continuous learning and innovation. 
