GEMs Team

Meet the creators

A team of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty at IUPUI collaborated on this project in the summer of 2021. The students were funded as Geo-Equity Fellows by a SIERI Seed Grant awarded to the Earth Sciences Department.

Raenah Bailey

I am a second-year graduate student at IUPUI studying Earth Sciences. I took this internship because I saw it as a great opportunity to look at environmental issues from different perspectives such as marginalized communities and other stakeholders. In academia, we tend to focus a lot on the science and numbers and statistics and little on how it is affecting the most at-risk human beings. When we do this, it takes the humanity out of the issue. Through these GEMs, students will learn both and be more well-rounded on the environmental issues.

Heather Berlier

I am currently a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Affairs in Environmental Policy and Sustainability at the Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis. My interests span a multitude of topics regarding ecosystem protection, wildlife conservation, and creating content that educates the public about environmentalism. This fellowship is the perfect way to share a vast array of ecological knowledge by working with a team to research specific case studies on environmental impacts around the world, and how these cases impact us and the lives of those around us.

Gabe Filippelli

Gabriel Filippelli is a Chancellor’s Professor of Earth Sciences at IUPUI and is the Executive Director of the Indiana University Environmental Resilience Institute. His research and teaching focus on climate change, environmental pollution, and environmental justice.

Kaitlyn Franklin

I am a sophomore at IUPUI double majoring in Environmental Science and Geography. I believe learning about Geo-Equity is very important and coming from a community where we are currently fighting our own Geo-Equity battle, the GEMs internship has allowed me to research other communities that are similar to my own.

Sarah Kilcoyne

I am an undergraduate student pursuing a BS in Environmental Science with a minor in Geology. I work with Dr. Kathy Licht as a research assistant for the Earth Science department. My research involves using detrital zircons as tracer to reconstruct past ice flow patterns in the Weddell Sea Embayment, Antarctica. After graduation I plan to continue my education and pursue a Master’s in environmental science. My professional interests include environmental education, consulting, and research.

Kathy Licht

I am a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences and one of the faculty of supervisors on the GEMs team. My research focuses on the history of the Antarctic ice sheet. We use many tools, like detrital zircons, to reconstruct the past behavior of this amazing ice sheet. I had the great fortune to meet and work on climate change education with some native Alaskans who introduced me to native knowledge and ways of knowing. They are the inspiration for the sea ice GEM.

Cam Macris

I am an assistant professor in the Earth Sciences Department at IUPUI and part of the faculty team of supervisors on the GEMs team. My research looks at mineral reactions at extreme temperature and pressure conditions relevant to planet formation and evolution. I am a first generation college student, a federal aid recipient, publicly educated, and committed to working towards a more inclusive, equitable, and welcoming environment in academia and geosciences in particular.

Ian Marrs

I am a second year graduate student in Earth Sciences at IUPUI. I believe that the geosciences, scientific community, and society are at their best when all people are treated justly and equitably. Such treatments are only possible when the realities of the past and present are understood fully and objectively. As a member of the GEMs team, I have educated myself about some of the inequities present in the geosciences community and I intend to carry this knowledge forward for the remainder of my academic and professional career.