Fostering Global Nursing Partnerships by Utilizing a Global Health Call/Assignment among Senior Nursing Students

Barb deRose, School of Nursing

Lucinda Hill, School of Nursing

Linda Sinclair, School of Nursing

Nursing students’ perceptions of global healthcare can increase through traveling abroad and experiencing first hand different world cultures. The majority of students though cannot always afford global travel to gain this experience. This project provided 31 IUPUI students with an opportunity to capture a picture of healthcare in other regions of the world as seen by nursing students living in Mexico and Spain. Methods: The settings were three universities; IUPUI, University of Mexico, and University of Navarra in Spain. The participants from IUPUI (n=31) included final semester senior level BSN students. The students were given three questions regarding healthcare in their nation that they responded to in group format. The questions were: What are the three most prevalent health concerns in your community/country? What is the biggest environmental concern in your community that affects health, and why is it a concern? If a person traveling through your community becomes ill, what healthcare services are available to him/her? The University of Mexico and Navarra had students answer the same questions. For the global health call, an international conference call was set up at IUPUI Office of International Affairs utilizing the Crossroads Global Gateway room for technology assistance to help the one hour call go smoothly. Each school had representatives that read responses in both Spanish and English. Time was given to ask extra questions during the call. Following the interaction, faculty held a debriefing. A future call has been planned to include 100 BSN students from IUPUI and the University of Mexico and University of Navarra.

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