LHSI And Sophomore Year Goals

This year I hope to get a better understanding of what Alzheimer's is, how it effects the body, and how it is researched.

I also hope to better understand what a neurologist does on a daily basis. How much work they, where do they do that work, what types of work do they do.

I also hope to better understand how medical research is conducted on living patients. I want to understand what rules have to be followed, how patients are treated, how much work gets done before a patient is seen, and how the information patients provide give better understandings of Alzheimer's.

Note: Image from https://theartofliving.com/planner/start/short-term-goals/

Professional Goals

I think that a career in medicine is very much want to pursue. I enjoy the both the variety the work brings and its lasting and meaningful impact. I think the experience of working with patients helped me see this case. I think going forward I will try to shadow a family practice doctor. As it currently stands I have only shadowed a surgeon and a specialist. I am interested in exploring how a generalist doctor uses medicine. Perhaps, this experience has shown me that I want to practice medicine here in Indianapolis. Working for IU health has shown me how they approach teaching and research and it is something I want to be apart of.

This Summer,

This summer I hope to forward my education by completing the second semester of organic chemistry, and being a research assistant on a retinal study.


College and Post College Goals

My main goals during my time as a college student is to better understand how I want to spend my time after college. I was lucky enough to know that I want to study medicine, how the human body works, how to diagnose problems, and how to treat them, but I am still unsure how I want to approach that.

For that reason, my long term goals are to meet all the requirements necessary for applying to medical school and to understand what I would want to do after medical school.

In less abstract ways, I hope to get a degree in biomedical engineering, get into medical school, and figure out what I want to do after that point.

Why these Goals?

These goals stem from what I find interesting. I want to better understand Alzheimer's because it seems wild that anything could remove one's memories. I want to better understand what Alzheimer's is because it does not make sense. A build up of proteins in the brain cause neurological and cognitive deficits. That is highly unusual and strange.

I want to see what, how, and how much neurologists work because I want gain an idea if I could be the type of doctor that sees patients regularly and conducts research on them. The idea seems quite interesting and I want to learn more about that type of life.

I chose to study biomedical engineering because that field of study seems to be the stuff of the future. Biomedical engineers are creating motors that run on human movement, designing medical tools that save thousands of lives, and learning how to make bionic body parts. This stuff is what scientific fiction is made of, and I want to better understand how it is done.

The reason I want to get into medical school is because I find medicine fascinating. The ability to not only thoroughly understand the human body, but then how to treat the issues that it has seems fascinating. Not only does the information seem quite interesting, but the privilege's of getting to use that knowledge to make the lives of strangers much better seems like the best way I could spend my time.