Note: image from


I have had quite a few experiences during my time at the internship sight. I had the pleasure of learning MRI and PET scans work. How strong magnets rearranging the ions in the body, that then create a charge that can be used to create an image, or how radioactive dye can be used to see inside the human brain. Getting to see all of those neat and abstract science concepts that I learned about in science classes being used to solve medical problems made me quite excited.

I also got to see how much work goes into making medical research possible. I was amazed how much paper is required for everything to happen. I learned how to enter digital medical records digitally.

I learned how communicate with patients. I always enjoyed shadowing the doctors or nurses because I enjoyed talking with both the patients and their family members. Those talks often gave me perspective, both to what is important to me and what I am striving for.

I enjoyed watching how neuropsychological test were performed. I enjoyed sorting files. It was a relaxing and enjoyable break from the normal stressors of my life, and it was helpful to do something that was not being graded or judged.