My Internship Workplace 

My views and experiences have definitely shifted over the course of the last year as I have gained more experience at my intership site, below I have included my thoughts on workplace as I went through my internship. 

Start of my Internship

The behaviors and actions that I have seen to be a professional and good teammate is to always care about who you are working with and take time out of your day to have short conversations to better understand and know each other. My supervisors are both very caring and always are willing to take the time out of their day to check in with me and also show me things that might be on interest to me. By the completion of my internship I would like to grow in that way. I want to be more of caring co-worker and good teammate and lead like they have show me. 

Completion of the First Semester 

After the completion of the first semester, from working I have learned that we call come from very different backgrounds that are different from our own. We are different people visually, but also our genetic makeups are completely different. I have continued to learn more and more about this in my internship greatly. In the beginning I was very hesitant on what my internship would be like, and then as the semester has continued, I have continued to grow more and more love for the genetics field. This experience has been so incredibly rewarding and I am very grateful for the opportunity to partake in this internship. 

Half Way Through 

Since working at my internship site, my attitudes and beleifs have been impacted by engaging and working with people who have different perspectives than my own because I am more respecting of other peoples ideas and how they do things especially since having a direct supervisor I work very closely with.  I have grown as a professional as a result of these interactions by being able to respect other people and being able to see how to work better in a professional environment along others. 

Completion of the Second Semester 

The workplace culture of my internship is very caring. My internship supervisor was constantly always asking how I was doing and cared about me more than just what I did inside of my internship and was more than willing to help me out anyway that she could in all realms of life. The values of my internship are hard work ethic, punctuality, confidentiality, and compassion. My supervisor truly showed me how to work hard and to have compassion when you're talking with patients about what you are doing and how you want to best help them. 

Post Internship 

When it comes to the workplace culture present at my internship and my ideal workplace culture I think that these two cultures are very similar, if not exactly alike. The culture that I experienced at my internship site is exactly what I want moving forward to be at all of my future internships or experiences and my future workplace.