Successes and challenges happen in every scenario and greatly at my internship site. One time I felt particularly successful at my internship site is when I made the patient information resources to assist patients on what genetic testing is and what the results mean. My internship site supervisor greatly led to this success. She was more than willing to assist me on how to better the information and answer any questions that I had along the way, so this success wouldn't have been possible without her and the ability to ask questions.  I learned that from this success I was able to use information I had learned from my internship site about the different genetic tests available and the information I had learned in the classroom about genetic information and be able to incorporate the two into something that could help patients. 

With every success, comes challenges. Some of the most challenging parts of my internship include wanting to know more about the information I have learned at my internship site and also balancing school and my internship. These challenges came primarily internally, but they can be easily solved. Taking time at my internship site to explore the information while I'm there assists me in not being consumed in it later when I need to focus on school work and other activities I may have. The information is very interesting to me, but by having more work and life balance it will allow me to be able to enjoy both of those in the same time. The decisions that have led to overcoming this challenge is to plan out when I will work on my academics and sticking to the set times that I am at my internship to research the work I learn there and ask my supervisor questions so it blocks the curiosity later.