
Resources for Presentation:

On The rotation curve of spiral galaxies: [Raibagkar P P, Sunarkani R.]

1. 1980ApJ___238__471R

2. 1983ApJ___270__365M

On the discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation [Agarwal U., Verma V.]

1. 1965ApJ___142__419P

2. 1965ApJ___142__414D

Interesting Numerical/Software Resources:

Important web resources:


    • Physical Universe by Frank Shu [University Science Books ]
    • An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics by Bradley Caroll and Dale A. Ostile [Addison-Wesley; 2nd edition]
    • Astrophysics for Physicists by A. R. Chowdhuri [Cambridge University Press; South Asian Edition]
    • Theoretical Astrophysics by T. Padmanabhan (vol I, II, III) [Cambridge University Press; 1st edition]


    • To Measure the sky by F. R. Chromey [Cambridge University Press; 1st edition]
    • Radiative Processes in Astrophysics by G. B. Ribicki and P. Lightman [Wiley- VCH]
    • Tools of Radio Astronomy by T. L. Wilson, K. Rohlfs and S. Huttemeister [Springer; 5th ed. edition]
    • Theory of Stellar structure and evolution by D. Prialnik [Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition]
    • Galactic Dynamics by J. Binney and S. Tremaine [Princeton University Press; 2nd edition]
    • Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic medium by B. Draine [Princeton University Press]
    • Cosmology by S. Weinberg [Oxford University Press; 1st edition]