

Welcome to the official page for PHY-311 Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics. This page will be a portal for all informations for the course.

Please bookmark this page and check often for updates. Each week has three lecture hours.

This course is designed to teach basics of astronomy and astrophysics to the undergraduate students while giving emphasis on Physical understandings. At the sixth semester of the Integrated Dual Degree in Engineering Physics, you have most of the background to take up this course. The basic pre requisites are (1) Classical Mechanics, (2) Electrodynamics and Relativity, (3) Statistical Mechanics and (3) Parts of Quantum Mechanics. Other important tool from Physics which would be used in understanding the topics of astronomy is many body Physics and would be discussed as a part of this course itself.


Dr. Prasun Dutta

Dept of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi

Course Credits:

Credits for the course is broken up in several units. Most of the credits would come from your performance. A detail credit division is given below:

        1. Mid Semester 30
        2. End Semester 50
        3. Assignments 05
        4. Group Assignments 05
        5. Quiz 10

Group Assignments will be announced in the lecture and during the entire course. Once the assignment is given to a chosen group of students, it has to be completed, written down in a article formt and presented to the entire class. If some of these assignments are god enough, we may send them to journals like Resonance for publications.

Quizes will be conducted in random dates during the course. There will be a total of five quizes, each of two marks. All quizes will be in the first ten minutes of the lectures.


Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Students not present in the first five minutes from the start of each class will be marked absent.

Month wise class distribution

    • January: 12 Days
    • February: 05 Days

MidSem: Feb 18 – 23, 2019 (Mon – Sat)

03 Days

    • March: 05 Days

Intra-Sem Break: Mar 18-23, 2019 (Mon – Sat)

03 Days

    • April: 08+01 Days

End-Sem Exam: April 24 Onwards

Lecture Hours

  • Lect 1: Monday 11:00-11:55 [SeminarRoom]
  • Lect 2: Tuesday 11:00-11:55 [SeminarRoom]
  • Lect 3: Wednesday 11:00-11:55 [SeminarRoom]
  • Meeting: Will be discussed time to time.