Group Assignments

Detailed Description of the group assignments and the groups/individual student who will be assigned to those will be discussed/given here during the course. Some of the topics are given below.

  1. Equation of time for any place in the earth.
  2. Make a auto-guider using a mobile phone and a simple telescope.
  3. Model of Synchrotron radiation from a galaxy.
  4. Age of the globular clusters using H-R diagram.
  5. Solution of three dimensional radiative transfer equation through inhomogeneous medium.
  6. Modeling stellar population synthesis using Starburst T99.
  7. Generating star formation map of external galaxies from H-alpha and UV observations.
  8. Rotation curve, dark matter and model fitting using galaxy data for two galaxies.
  9. Using semi numerical codes to generate EoR and post EoR HI density fields.