Dr. Holger Caesar, Assistant Professor
Intelligent Vehicles Lab, TU Delft
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have come a long way in the past two decades. Yet they are nowhere close to safely carrying our children to an arbitrary location. Until AVs become a net provider of safety, comfort and reduced carbon emissions, a lot of work remains to be done. The real world is full of challenging corner-cases and unexpected behavior. My research focuses on finding more scalable approaches to address these corner cases by collecting, mining, labeling, training from and evaluating sensor data more cleverly.
Latest news
12/2024: Our MOSAIC EU Horizon proposal was accepted and we will shortly hire 1 PhD and 1 Postdoc.
11/2024: Felix' DPFT paper on raw 4D radar + camera fusion was accepted at T-IV!
10/2024: Holger becomes and ELLIS scholar and joins the board of ELLIS Delft.
09/2024: Ted's UNION paper was accepted at NeurIPS!
06/2024: Yancong wins the Argoverse Scene Flow Challenge in the unsupervised track!
04/2024: Congratulations to Xianzhong Liu whose paper receives an Oral at IV (top 20 out of 400 papers) as well as being a Best Paper Award Finalist.
04/2024: We have three papers accepted at IV 2024 in Jeju Island, Korea.
03/2024: Our ICP-Flow paper was accepted at CVPR 2024 in Seattle.
02/2024: Our EU KDT grant Cynergie4MIE (450k EUR) with partners all over Europe was accepted.
01/2024: We have two papers accepted at ICRA 2024: Basal and nuPlan. See you in Japan!
12/2023: We are looking for a new industrial PhD in collaboration with Bosch.
12/2023: We are looking for a new PostDoc. Update: Position closed!
12/2023: Yancong receives the AiNed XS grant (80k EUR) in collaboration with Prof. Schindler from ETH Zurich. Congratulations!
10/2023: Holger receives the TU Delft internal Cohesion grant (100k EUR) in collaboration with Dr. Jason K. Moore.
09/2023: Our students Tobias Hoek and Xianzhong Liu both got their papers accepted at NCCV 2023.
09/2023: We are co-organizing the Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision (NCCV) 2023 in Den Haag.
07/2023: Our HiLo paper for panoptic scene graph generation was accepted to ICCV 2023.
07/2023: Holger gives a keynotes speech at the Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee Summer Meeting.
06/2023: Holger is an invited speaker at IV 2023 and organizes a workshop at CVPR 2023.
05/2023: LaneLet2 for nuScenes accepted as a CVPR workshop paper.
04/2023: Holger is awarded the Climate Action call grant (30k EUR).
03/2023: A preprint of our HiLo paper for panoptic scene graph generation is now available.
03/2023: Our SliceMatch method for cross-view pose estimation was accepted at CVPR 2023.
11/2022: Our ICLR 2023 workshop proposal "Scene Representations for Autonomous Driving" was accepted.
11/2022: Holger becomes an ELLIS member.
11/2022: Awarded a TKI grant for 502k EUR, co-sponsored by Motional and the top sector High Tech Systems and Materials.
10/2022: Keynote at the "Workshop on Learning from Limited and Imperfect Data" at ECCV 2022 in Tel Aviv.
10/2022: Yancong joins the group as postdoc, Ted joins as PhD.
07/2022: One PhD position available. Update: Position closed!
06/2022: Two keynotes at the 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV) Symposium at workshops on unsupervised learning and map-less driving. See you there!
05/2022: One paper published at the 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
05/2022: One PhD and one PostDoc position available. Update: Positions closed!
04/2022: Started as Assistant Professor at TU Delft.
Outperforming the state-of-the-art in
3d detection/tracking
Use of prior knowledge to solve these tasks
Lesser forms of supervision (self, weakly or semi supervised)
Active learning and partial labeling techniques to select which data to annotate
Domain adaptation and transfer learning
Sensor fusion
Collaborative perception
For PhD/Postdoc vacancies, please refer to my LinkedIn page.
Students of TU Delft can contact me directly to inquire about internship and thesis topics.
I do not supervise Bachelor or Master students that are not enrolled in TU Delft.
Prospective visitors to TU Delft that have their own funding can contact me directly.
Dr. Holger Caesar is a tenured Assistant Professor in the Intelligent Vehicles group of TU Delft in the Netherlands. Holger's research interests are in the area of Autonomous Vehicle perception and prediction, with a particular focus on scalability of learning and annotation approaches. Previously Holger was a Principal Research Scientist at an autonomous vehicle company called Motional (formerly nuTonomy). There he started 3 teams with 20+ members that focused on Data Annotation, Autolabeling and Data Mining. Holger received a PhD in Computer Vision from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland under Prof. Dr. Vittorio Ferrari and studied in Germany and Switzerland (KIT Karlsruhe, EPF Lausanne, ETH Zurich). He is best known for developing the influential autonomous driving datasets nuScenes and nuPlan, as well as his contributions to the real-time 3d object detection method PointPillars. In his spare time he likes to hike with his small family, as well as sing, run or cross the Alps by mountainbike.
Besides being an Assistant Professor, Holger has the following roles:
Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Member of the Board of Studies, TU Delft Master Robotics
Member of the IEEE Autonomous Agent Alignment Working Group
Mobilizer at the "Pathways to mobility futures" initiative, TU Delft Transport & Mobility Institute
"Robotics in the Field" representative, TU Delft Robotics Institute
ELLIS Europe Scholar and board member and seminar organizer of the ELLIS Delft Unit
Area Chair at CVPR 2025
Previously, Holger was also:
Area Chair at ICCV 2023
Area Chair at ECCV 2024
Co-organizer, NCCV 2023
Founding member of the Board of Directors, Project OpenBytes (non-profit)