Lesson 4

Victor Nunes Found Objects

This activity is based on the Brazilian artist Victor Nunes.

He takes everyday objects and changes them into a piece of art.

Can you find different objects around your house and turn them into a piece of art?

You can create doodles, cartoons, faces, etc. You can use objects from outside (leaves, sticks), rubber bands, bottle caps, scissors, and more.

Below are some examples of his artwork

Here is a short video of some of his artwork.

Ms. Shook's Examples:

Step 1

Find objects outside or around your house.

*I found leaves, a pinecone, crab magnet, and clip*

Step 2

Think of what you can turn these items into and then have fun drawing!

I turned the leaves and pinecone into a bee hive. The clip turned into a bunny. And the crab was ready to eat dinner.