Professional Learning

Professional Learning -- Facilitating DL (Apr - June 2020)

Same, Same Or Different? Teaching your coursebook online (Tuesday, March 24, 2020 3:00:00 PM CET - 5:00:00 PM CET)

“The times they are a-changin’” sang Bob Dylan back in 1964. And just as they were changing back then, we now find them changing again with the teaching landscape hastily being moved online. So welcome to the brave new world of online teaching, where many teachers find themselves in unchartered territory. But fear not: not only are you are not alone, but a lot of what you already do is transferable to the online classroom. It’s not so much reinventing the wheel, as changing the spokes.

In this two-part webinar, National Geographic Learning teacher trainer Alex Warren will start by exploring what to expect when teaching online for the first time, and what exactly is meant by synchronous and asynchronous learning. We’ll then look at what platform options there are for teaching ‘live’ online lessons before examining what tools are available to aid teaching when using ZOOM. In Part 2 we’ll show how you can utilise these online tools to teach a unit of a digital coursebook and give some tips for online teaching. We’ll then finish by seeing how you can support students outside of the virtual classroom with additional synchronous course content.

Part 1, 2.00-2.45; Part 2, 3.00-4.00

National Geographic Learning is collaborating with The College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University to deliver a special three-part webinar series called Online Teaching for English Teachers. Drawing on their research and teaching experience, Drs. Joan Kang Shin and Jered Borup from George Mason University share practical tips for breaking through your screen and engaging your English language students in ways that improve their learning and makes your students feel part of a supportive learning community, even when attending classes online.