
CAS Programme

IBDP CAS students together with Dr. Tooher and Mr. Nicholson, handed 10 ukuleles to Mahima Ministries, the local organization that we are partnered with for the last couple of years. The money raised during concert-4-a-cause organized by our IB students from this year’s 5K Run was used to purchase the ukuleles.

The ISH-Mahima CAS programme led by our IB students and a couple of student volunteers from other grade levels have resumed this semester. Activities being offered by our student leaders include various sports, literacy program, art, and sciences. One of the goals this semester is to build their music programme so three of our students will teach ukulele to Mahima students. Last semester Mahima students have been involved with Hyderabad Choral Festival and they were trained by our very own Dr. Iryna Tsarenko. The following are our student volunteers for semester 2: Diya (Grade 8), Sarah (Grade 10), Neeraj, Jaishika, Vimala, Nithin, Anish, Akhila, Rithvik, Peter, Shruti, Khagendra, Pradyot, Praneet (Grade 11) and Anirudh (Grade 12). The program is being supervised by Ms. Lisa Murawsky with the support of Ms. Tina Peji, CAS Coordinator. For more information about Mahima please visit their website:

More Photos of our CAS Programme