Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Global Cafe Standards

  • Renewed focus on health and hygiene, including proper cleaning schedules, techniques and staff training. All reinforced by our strong management team and international standards for food preparation and service.

  • Using only the freshest ingredients. Our focus on fresh clean foods means that we make almost all of our menu items from scratch daily and actively try to avoid using processed foods. With this philosophy we are able to control what ingredients go into our foods and ensure the highest quality and standards.

  • We have worked very closely with the nursing departments of our schools to ensure our canteen is aware of the many allergens that affect the students. We have committed to providing a nut free canteen for the safety of the students and we have also an allergen index to our menus to clearly display potentially risky ingredients in our food.

  • Global Cafe has been proactive in working with third party auditors SFC (Singapore Food Consultants), Fresh Studios and Cognita health and safety managers from Singapore and England to help elevate the operations at ISHCMC

  • Global Cafe is very transparent, providing documentation upon request. This includes SOP’s, Health Inspection Results, Staff Training and Health Certificates, Product Information and Test Results and Cleaning Procedures.

Documentation of our hygiene certificates and standards: