♥ Women rights ♥

What does women rights mean?


"the rights claimed for women, equal to those of men, with respect to suffrage, property, the professional fields, etc." is the definition of Women rights in ww.dictonary.com.

T6ITUIIIII Womens is the rights of women, which means, what are the differences of what both men and women are allowed to do. For example in the olden days, Women were not allowed to vote! It is very unfair, but it's just how life was, and we can't do anything about it. Even though Women knew that they were not allowed to vote or anything, they still tried to, they were fighting for their rights.

Top Countries that do not give women to many rights


Here are some countries which definitely do not support women: United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, India, Oman, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Egypt and there is actually a lot more but we can't write all of them or else this website would be endless!

Malala Yousafzai's story

Juno, Mahira and Lena:

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist, has been on the Ellen Show (we put a video if you scroll down lower you will see it). She was one of the first women to stand for herself, and she was also a refugee. She won the Nobel Peace Prize by protesting with words against the Taliban, which were destroying all female schools.

How we took action about this


We interviewed most of the Middle Year Programme and the Diploma programme students at our school if they support women, the results were surprising! Most of the people did not support Women, but it was because they thought it was a joke. This shows us how some people don't think it is serious, because we just asked them, not telling them we were doing this for our research.

Women's suffrage

Lena and Mahira:

The women's suffrage movement was a big part of women's rights history.

The suffrage movement was an issue in the 19th century in Great Britain and in the United States of America. The women's suffrage movement was when women were fighting for the rights to vote. In 1888 the first women's rights organization was formed by the International Council of Women (ICW). After a long, long protest, they got the rights to vote in the United States of America in 1918–1920. "In May 1929, women over the age of 21 vote in their first general election. There is no majority, but Ramsay MacDonald's Labor party takes over from the Conservatives." said by Women's Suffrage Timeline , the British Library, 2020.

This is a video of Malala Yousafzai hope you enjoy watching it :)

Here is a poem about women rights written by Lena Tomaszewska.

This is a podcast that Mahira Singh Ashiya has done. You can listen to it for free and learn something new. If you would like to find it on spotify just search "Mahira Ashiya" and then press the one that says "women rights".

This is Mahira's oral component.

Here is a word art created by Mahira Singh Ashiya.


puppet show

This is a puppet show made by Lena Tomaszewska. This is a youtube video of an amazing, funny and informative puppet show about a woman wanting to go to work but before she got a job, she had to stay home and do house job's.

This is Mahira Singh Ashiyas art component on a video. Hope you enjoy watching it. Be prepared for looking at wonderful drawings ;D

This is Mahira Singh Ashiyas written component, it is a scroll.

This is a survey made by Lena Tomaszewska to complete for how much you've learned from this page. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓