Who we are

We are Alex (on the right) and Alta (On the left) and we have chosen to research about children's rights.

We did a survey can you please do it you just need to press the survey button

I did a survey and sent it to pipe and it went well almost ever body said that children need a right but the people who didn't think we were messing around and not taking it siriesly.

This survey we made is very important. please fill it in. Take it seriously, and don't lie, please be honest:)

History of children right 1

The idea of children rights and us children having a right was in 1924 by Eglantyne Jebb the ceo/fouder of the fund save a children fund. For children that Means for their development; special help in times of need; priority for relief; economic freedom and protection from exploitation; and an upbringing that instils social consciousness and duty. Then in 1946 22 years later the United Nations created the international children emergency fund with a thought that children in every single country will have a right evenly. then in 1948 ''the United Nations General Assembly passes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which Article 25 entitles mothers and children to ‘special care and assistance’ and ‘social protection'' said by UNICEF. after that in 1959 The United Nations General Assembly thought of what every child needs and those things were education, play, a supportive environment and health care and ext. In 1966 the United Nations members states to have equal rights (including education and protection) for all children.

History of children right 2

1968 ''The International Conference on Human Rights is convened to evaluate the progress made by countries in the 20 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. An agenda for future work is drafted and national commitments to upholding human rights are bolstered.'' said by the UN. In 1973 the international Labour Organization thinks about convention 138 witch says 18 as the minimum age for undertaking work that might be hazardous to a person’s health, safety or morals. Later in 1979 it was the 20's anniversary for the decalaration of the right of a child the UN general meting declares 1979 is the year of children that is when UNICEF plays a letting role in children rights. the 10 years later in 1989 the talk on the right of the child is created by the UN. ''UNICEF, which helped draft the Convention, is named in the document as a source of expertise.'' said by UNICEF. after that in 1990 the World Summit for Children came together in New York. They were there to Prevent juvenile delinquency and to protect young people at high risk of death.

History of children right 3

In 1991 perfections in UNICEF, save the children and a lot of other organizations came together to talk about right of a child what are some more rights that the UN can use. The is 2000 the UN General Assembly things about two Optional Protocols from the 1889 talk about the rights fo the child ''obligating State Parties to take key actions to prevent children from partaking in hostilities during armed conflict and to end the sale, sexual exploitation and abuse of children.'' said by the UN. In 2002 At the UN special session they say that they will improve the prospects of children over the next decade. In 2011 ''A new Optional Protocol to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child is adopted. Under this Optional Protocol on a communications procedure, the Committee on the Rights of the Child can field complaints of child rights violations and undertake investigations.'' said by UNICEF.

What is braille?

Brail is a type of writing that if you are blind you use as writing. the paper that you use for brail is usually thick. Some medicen brands like to use braille on their package.

wrote by Alex

This -------------------------------------------------------->

1 dot is a the next is b, c, d, e and you countinue. It is in brail I have a game if you can do underneath this you need to crack the code first let my tell you about it.wrote by Alex




how braille works

In brail there is 6 dots. If you see 1 dot in the to left corner it is A If there is 1 dot in 5 it is B. Now you how brail works.

By Alex

The game rules

You need to crack the code in braile and write it in the survey underneath

By Alex




This is the code to crack

⠈ ⢪ ⠴ ⠁⠳. ⠴⠉⠇⠈⢗⢢

⠆⠾⠴ ⠁⠲⠲

This QR code takes you to a form where you write what is your answer from the game crack the code

Right to play

The right to play Book

I "Alex" made a book about the right to play so hope you enjoy it

What did we do

For are art componint I "Alex" disided to do a model of a playground. That if you have a disadility you can use it and it is atsesibal. So there is a sand pit and a rased sand pint if you are in a whilechair. At the sand pit there are pools that you can see water moving in them and folo the water.We added a ramp to a platform that you can run on and if you are blind there is a lot of bells and riging noses to make becuese they can not see. Under neeth is a quiet zone with a music game. There is a swing for if you are is a weelchair and so you do not fowll of the swing. Also there is a slide and the hole playground is gated becuses if you have autism you mights just run away because you here more that us. In to the street and get run over by a car or get lost. There is a quiet zone for if you autisum and there is beenbags if you want to relax. There is a light room that has a hole bunch of switches you can switch on.

This is my "Alex" playground for art component

This is a video about playground Inclusion ''it is pretty sad''

Here is my poster I "Alta"did for my exhibition project.

Interview with Juliana Brooks and Kristy Brooks

Oral componite.

by Alex

Zoom call with juliana.mov

Here is my presentation for my exhibition Writen component by Alta.

The history of children rights

My Video guiding a blind folded person
