
Virtual School Tips for Parents

  • Use a learning plan - By creating a learning plan, you can integrate your child’s home learning with your own schedule and ensure you are available to support them when needed.

  • Use to do lists - Clearly defined to do lists will help your child stay focussed and on task and will be allow them to see the progress they are making.

  • Be flexible - If your child is unable to complete a task without help, set aside a time when you are available to offer support and have your child work on something they can to do independently.

  • Avoid frustration - Take a break when your child has reached a critical point. Stop and have a snack, eat some lunch or do some exercise.

  • Praise - Praising our children will increase self-esteem and motivate them to apply themselves and take pride in their work.

  • Balance - It is important to balance academic work with play/free time and to maintain a routine including a consistent bed time.

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