
Outline of Virtual Learning

  • Learning activities will be varied, engaging, and connected to standards as described in the English National Curriculum.

  • Assessments will allow students to demonstrate their understanding.

  • Learning activities may be completed independently or collaboratively online with teacher guidance and feedback.

  • The purpose of virtual learning is to allow students opportunities to:

    • Engage in new learning

    • Practice and consolidate prior learning

    • Transfer, communicate, demonstrate, and apply learning


Students in Reception and KS1 classes will access their learning content through the Seesaw learning platform; students in KS2 will access their content through both Google Classroom and Seesaw.


Students and parents will use Seesaw, Google Classroom and email to contact their teachers with questions.

Please keep in mind that the teacher may be assisting another student, parent, or supporting their own children during the time you are trying to connect with them. They will endeavour to respond as soon as possible to your question.


  • Post daily learning materials for students on Google Classroom by 8AM.

  • Maintain availability during the posted office hours.

  • Provide learning opportunities away from devices/technology.

  • Plan learning activities that are varied and engaging and that are easily understood and implemented by students


  • Check email and Google Classroom on a daily basis.

  • Establish and maintain a routine, including a quiet study space, to support your learning.

  • Complete and submit assessment tasks, and all work on which you can receive feedback.

  • Strive for balance; engage in play and physical activity, mindful of your health and well-being.

  • Communicate proactively with your teachers, ask questions, clarify expectations, etc…


  • Engage in the learning process with your child.

  • Reinforce the importance of balance, well-being, and physical activity.

  • If supporting siblings, seek balance and individual routines that allow for focus and success.

  • Communicate questions and concerns to teachers.