Virtual School Announcements

ISG Community Announcement: 4th February 2021

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

February 4, 2021

Dear Parents,

With the new strains of COVID, the Saudi government has increased its precautionary measures, including proof of health status prior to entering the workplace as of this coming Sunday. All staff and parent visitors, therefore, who come to any ISG campus will be screened prior to entry.

As you may be aware from today’s official announcement, all recreational events will be closed in the Kingdom for the next 10 days. I would like to reassure parents that we will continue to move forward with our plans to offer on-campus assessment sessions to small groups of students at ISG campuses. We will therefore proceed as planned until we hear otherwise from the authorities.

In these challenging times, I would like to encourage all of our families to practice preventive steps, including wearing masks when outside of your homes, avoiding crowds and observing social distancing.

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe.


Dr. Michael P. Mack

ISG Community Announcement: 21st January 2021

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

January 21, 2021

Dear Parents,

We have posted the December progress report on construction at the new Dhahran campus, which you can find here.I meet regularly with all the heads of school in the Khobar region and internationally to discuss how we are handling the COVID situation and to share best practices. Recently, the conversation centered on our plans for bringing students back on campus. Some schools have already brought students back whereas others have yet to have any students return. ISG sits somewhere in the middle. In any event, we all share the same excitement for bringing children back to school.

To that end, you will be receiving a brief school survey in the next week or two regarding your willingness to have your child on-campus. I urge you all to complete the survey, as it helps in our planning to bring your children back and communicating our desired plans to the ministries. Additionally, it helps us to understand how many families would like to continue in our virtual school program.

I appreciate your patience and thank you for your support.

Enjoy the weekend!


Dr. Michael P. Mack

ISG Community Announcement: 14th January 2021

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

January 14, 2021

Dear Parents,

I’d like to extend my best wishes to you and your family for a very happy and healthy new year.

The MOE has just announced that we will remain in virtual school for another ten weeks.

We know from our recent survey that over 80% of ISG parents would like their children to physically return to school. I also want to bring our students back. I believe it is in their best interest to be with their classmates and teachers, provided this can be done safely.

I informed you in late November that we submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Education (MOE) with a detailed plan for students’ return to school and of our safety protocols. We are awaiting a response.

We will continue to have selected small groups of students back on campus, for example to write exams. This is acceptable with the MOE as long as parents give permission for their child to come for exams or attend additional support sessions and, of course, that all safety protocols are closely followed. We will be sending a survey shortly to see how many parents would be interested in support sessions.

As you know, there is a new strain of COVID that has forced lockdowns and restrictions in other countries where rates have escalated. So far, this is not the case in Saudi. However, we will continue to be vigilant in our safety precautions.

It remains my hope to have students return to school this academic year. Many teachers prepared their classrooms before the winter break, in eager anticipation of seeing their students in person very soon.

I will keep you updated and, as always, thank you for your support.


Dr. Michael P. Mack

Message For Students Out Of Kingdom

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

August 21, 2020

Hello DHS Students.

I hope all is well and that you are looking forward to an engaging virtual school experience with Dhahran High School. The challenges you face are unique this year so I have recorded this short message for you. Stay strong.

Mr. C

Welcome Back!

Mona Lewars, Acting AP Coordinator

August 20, 2020

Dear Students,

Welcome back! We hope you had a great summer break!

We are so excited to be starting the new school year and to see you soon, virtually for now. You should all be able to access your schedules by now. Your counselors are working hard to review all course request changes but as you know this also takes time so some of you may not have your requests reviewed by the first day of school but we will review them asap; thank you for your patience with this process.

Remember, counselors have to check that you meet the course prerequisites as shown in the course catalog. If you do not, then you will remain with the same class but the counselor will send you an email to let you know you were not placed in the requested course. If you are approved for a schedule change, you will be able to view your new schedule on Skyward. For approved requests, counselors will not be emailing you but ask instead that you check your Skyward periodically to see that a schedule change was made.

If you have not received an email from a counselor informing you that your request was not approved or you do not see a new schedule in Skyward, we ask you to continue to be patient with us and we will review your request in due time.

Please remember to use the Drop/Add form only to request a course change because that is where we are focused right now. If you send an email, it may not be looked at for some time so please use the form.

As you have been informed already, this year we will have two counselors in the Counseling department: Dr. Veron Naidoo will be the counselor for grades 9 & 10 and I will be the counselor for grades 11 & 12. If you have general questions for now that do not pertain to schedule changes, please contact Ms. Vernice the Counseling Admin Assistant at

Enjoy your final weekend for summer break and let's make 2020-2021 a fantastic year!

Looking forward to working with you,

The Counseling Team

Credit/No Credit Grading at DHS

Joseph Bearns, DHS Vice Principal

August 18, 2020

Good morning, DHS Students.

Welcome back to DHS and the start of the 2020/2021 school year! As you can appreciate, DHS is working hard to prepare for the opening days of school and there will be a lot of changes compared to previous years as we start our year virtually. It is the goal of DHS to continue to offer the same quality of academics virtually as we are traditionally known for having.

In addition to academics, we are also working on developing a new structure for the after school activities (ASAs) and clubs so be on the lookout for more information to come out soon about these. The athletics department is also brainstorming ways that they can provide students with the team sports opportunities that we have offered in the past. Success in sport is something we pride ourselves on and we want to do our best to continue to offer this to our students. Just the other day, Mr. Smith was telling me the idea that they were working on that would have virtual competitions with other schools. It's all very unorthodox but very exciting. Again, we will update you as we know more.

I forget who originally said it but the quote, "With great challenges, come great opportunities" comes to mind. I encourage each of you to be proactive in considering how we can identify new opportunities to continue the programs we've successfully run in the past. Many of you are involved in numerous fundraising clubs, for example. I challenge you to develop new opportunities to continue to support the charities that you serve. Obviously, we can't have lunchtime food sales, so what other ways can we fundraise? Whatever you come up with will certainly be new, but you just might find that it was better than what we had been doing originally.

Besides saying hello and welcome back, I also wanted to update the students on the process of collecting textbooks. The DHS staff and the LC have been working all week to get the students the textbooks that they need to be ready for Day 1 of classes. We know that many students are still going through schedule changes so it is possible that you may start your first week without the textbook that you need. This has been the case in past years so it is not a new challenge for us. First, please know that your teachers are aware that some of you may still be in the process of collecting your textbooks and they will support you until this is completed. Second, you can expect DHS to organize another round(s) of opportunities for students to come to campus to check out their textbooks if they had schedule changes. Typically, we like to have all schedules set within the first two weeks back to school and we would like to keep this precedence.

If you have any specific concerns about getting access to a textbook or lacking a textbook temporarily, please reach out to your teachers so that they can best advise you on how to proceed.

All the best, DHS.

Return to regular Schedule

Joseph Bearns, DHS Vice Principal

May 30, 2020

Hello DHS and welcome back to our final few weeks of classes.

As we restart classes tomorrow, please be informed that we will be returning to our regular bell schedule until June 16. Tomorrow (Sunday) will be a B day.

2019/2020 Bell Schedule

update on AP Exams

Mona Lewars, Acting AP Coordinator

Dear AP Students,

The regular AP Exam schedule is now complete. Thank you for all your hard work and patience with all the necessary changes from Collegeboard in this year's exam administration.

Unfortunately, a number of our students experienced the many tech issues surrounding glitches with the new Collegeboard testing system and have since requested make-up exams. The following are important points for you to note as we move into the next phase of AP Exams:

1. Makeup exams are scheduled between June 1-5 and these are the final dates and opportunities for students to take their AP exams. Please refer to the schedule here for the specific date and time of your specific make-up exam.

2. On May 26th, your AP teachers will receive an email from Collegeboard with instructions for downloading their students' exam response files for AP exams taken in May 2020.

3. Teachers will also be able to access the specific AP exam questions each student received via your AP Classroom, on May 27th.

4. On May 28th,students will be notified directly by Collegeboard if they have been approved for a make-up exam. Approved students will then receive their AP Exam E-Ticket 2 days prior to their approved make-up exam.

Please continue to monitor your inbox for any updates from Collegeboard that may be sent to you directly.

Thank you.

Mrs. Lewars

Good Morning From Mr. C

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

April 26, 2020

Good Morning DHS.

Ramadan Kareem! I hope this Sunday finds you all healthy and in good spirits. Today I want to share a simple mental exercise that I have found very useful over the years. I call it What is my own?/What is not my own?. All that one needs a piece of paper and something to write with. It is my personal preference to always write by hand when I am doing this exercise. The first heading on your paper should read: What is my own?

Under that heading proceed to write all those things that fall directly within your control. For example I might write: Getting up at 4:30 am is my own.; Attempting to be the best husband that I can be today is my own; Trying to be open and honest with those I come in contact with is my own; Actively listening to those I come in contact with is my own.

The second heading on your paper should read: What is not my own?

This is where you begin to write down the things which are not directly within your control. I might write the following: Whether or not I receive respect from other is not my own; Whether or not someone's beliefs and habits are to my liking in not my own; Whether or not others are wholly open and honest with me is not my own; Whether or not my ideas are well received is not my own; Whether or not I keep all that I love and cherish for another year, month, week, or day is not my own.

This exercise helps in a few ways. It grounds me in what is in my control and therefore redirects my mental energy in the proper way. It reminds me of those things which are not worth spending much time fretting or talking about because they will happen as they are meant to, outside of my control. Most importantly I can't help but be reminded not to take this moment for granted and I come away feeling immense gratitude for the time I have been allotted.

It benefits me. Maybe you can get something out of it as well. This is all just advice. It's free and you don't have to take it.

Be good.

Mr. C

Ramadan Mubarak

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

April 23, 2020

Dear Parents,

I would like to wish our staff, students and parents a blessed month of Ramadan.

Mike Mack

ISG Community Update

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

April 23, 2020

Dear Parents,

As some of you may be aware, the Ministry of Education released a directive this week regarding earlier end dates for school this year. While this applies to most schools in KSA, including private and international schools, ISG falls under a different category. We are considered an “American community” school and, as a result, this does not apply to us.

ISG will continue with virtual school until June 16, 2020. Our site principals will be in touch with further details on graduation, transcript production, attestation, grade progression procedures and end of year arrangements.

As we head into the holy month of Ramadan, you should have all received word from your principals about the shortened virtual school hours. Please reach out to them if you have any questions or concerns.


April 22 update on AP Exams

Mona Lewars, Acting AP Coordinator

April 22, 2020

Dear AP Students and Parents,

I hope you are all keeping well and staying healthy.

I have received an update from Collegeboard to share with you. Please visit this page for the latest information regarding AP exams for this year. It is very important for students to monitor this page to keep informed as well as read the information we send on AP exam updates.

Please note that in the next few days, Collegeboard will release information on how students can access the testing system with some video demonstrations so students can start familiarizing themselves with the testing system before they need to use it on the actual test day. This information will be posted by Collegeboard on this page.

Student Communications and Exam Access

Below is some preliminary information that students need to check on before they are able to move forward to taking the AP exam.

Students will need access to their email or College Board account to take the 2020 AP Exams. Students can ensure they have access in the following ways:

  1. Check the email address you used to create your account on; students should regularly check this email address for the most recent information about their AP Exams.

  1. Students should verify their College Board account at by clicking on their profile at the top right-hand corner of the page, and going to Account Settings. Students should scroll down to verify their information and confirm that their email address is the one to which they'd like to receive the e-ticket to take their AP Exams. If it's not the correct email, they can update it to an email they check regularly by clicking Update.

Update on May/June Exams Dates

I received the information below regarding the conflicting information provided by Collegeboard that students will have two exam dates to choose from: May and June. Collegeboard has since updated their guidelines. The June exam dates are available if students encounter technical issues on the May exam date. Please read the direct quote in correspondence from Collegeboard to DHS:

“The recommendation is that students should test on the main testing dates, and most students we surveyed indicated a desire to test earlier rather than later in the year. Makeup testing should only be used when the student is unable to test on one or more of the May dates or has a technical difficulty on exam day. Students that wish to test on the makeup dates for reasons outside of schedule conflicts or a technical issue on exam day, should understand that if they encounter a problem on exam day, they won’t have additional opportunities to test. These students are also more likely to encounter exam conflicts, as all subjects are offered over just five days in the makeup testing week. I have finally received information from Collegeboard regarding the AP exam days in May and June. Collegeboard is now expecting all students to take their AP exams on the May exam date. The June exam dates are now solely considered ‘make-up dates’ for students who have technical difficulties during their May exam date.”

Please check as the makeup exam date for some subjects were changed to remove conflicts with religious observances:

AP Exam Cancellations

Finally, Collegeboard will honor a full refund without penalty for students who choose to cancel their exam registration. I am re-sharing the AP Cancellation Form sent last week should any student need to cancel their AP exam registration. I encourage students to speak with their teachers if they are concerned that they will not be ready for the exam. Remember, the units that will be covered for each AP exam have been adjusted. Please visit the AP Updates page for detailed information on the specific AP exams.

I will continue to inform you as we receive new information regarding the AP exams.

Thank you and stay safe and healthy!

ISG Virtual Sport Day

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

April 21, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

A group of ISG PE teachers recently created an event to improve camaraderie and unite us as a whole district. This Thursday, April 23, 2020 will be our first ever virtual ISG Sports Day.

The challenges have been created with all students, staff and parents in mind. There will also be a live stream hosted from Canary Vista Compound.

Attached is the link to the website which explains the challenges and how to submit your results. Your school will be in touch to explain further details.

We hope you will all participate in the fun!

Best Wishes,


Credit/No Credit Grading at DHS

Joseph Bearns, DHS Vice Principal

April 19, 2020

DHS Students!

Welcome back to the start of another week of virtual learning. I had my last hopes dashed recently when I learned that we were going to be having virtual school for the rest of the year. It wasn't a surprise, of course, I was just hoping to see you all again soon. For what it's worth, your teachers and I all miss seeing you guys. It's only when you lose something do you realize how much it meant to you.

Mr. Caldwell and I have been reviewing some recent feedback from each of the grades on how things are going. In summation, it sounds like the virtual school is generating a lot of stress for our students. Many of you describe that you are committing many hours of the day to work on assignments, watching videos and meeting live with your teachers. While I can't take away the assignments, I can provide some clarity on how a major change that you have probably been anticipating, which is that DHS will be temporarily altering its grading system to a credit/no credit system.

A lot of students have been expecting some kind of altered grading system and we are now ready to share with the DHS community exactly what we have planned. At the end of this email, you will find a link to a document that shows what Mr. Caldwell and I have communicated to the teachers as expectations for the credit/no credit grading system. Please read through it carefully so you know the policy well. Shortly after receiving this email, you should receive communication from each of your teachers explaining what the expectations are for credit in their particular course or department.

Based on this grading system, I believe that 100% of our students are capable of earning credit in each of their courses as the credit threshold is lower than each of our students' academic abilities. A student that does not earn credit in a course will have done so entirely by choice as the primary expectation of all of your classes is that you show regular engagement with the class live lessons and the assignments. Could you disengage from your teachers and courses and still get credit? Yes, many of you probably could. However, I would ask that you consider what type of learner you want to reinforce in yourself. You are all on your way to university soon and many of you will not have the luxury of having parents nearby and teachers that know you personally and care about your success. Why not reinforce now the learning behaviors you will need at university. Don't do it for the credit, for your teachers, or your parents; do the work because you can and because you want to do well. As Mr. C always says, it's advice you can choose to take or not.

I'll end my rant now so please review the Credit/No Credit grading at DHS_Spring 2020 and let me know if you have any questions. Again, your teachers will be in touch with you shortly on the specific requirements for their courses.

All the best to each and every one of you.

Ramadan Mubarak!

Joseph Bearns, DHS Vice Principal

April 20, 2020

DHS Student,

As you all likely know already, we are heading into the holy month of Ramadan at the end of this week. And, just like in years past, DHS will be adjusting its class schedule to fit within a shorter workday.

Please take a look at the DHS 2020 Ramadan Bell Schedule to see the new times of when you will be expected to be in attendance at your virtual classes. (For your information, the half-hour break time was created in an attempt to address some of the stress that students have been describing. Maybe the break will give you some time to wrap up one class and decompress before heading to another virtual lesson.)

As always, I am here if you have any questions.

All the best, DHS.

Ramadan Timing!

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

April 16, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

As we end week five of virtual school, you are probably starting to settle into a routine. I recognize that for some this may mean longer hours, reimagining lessons, brushing up on technical skills or juggling home and work responsibilities simultaneously. I appreciate all you are doing to keep quality learning going at ISG.

After careful consideration and in consultation with the Ministry of Education, our Board of Trustees, peer American schools in KSA and in the best interests of our students learning, the decision has been taken that ISG schools will remain in virtual school for the remainder of this academic year.

I believe this is the wisest course of action for the safety and well-being of our students and staff, which is my top priority. Given the number of uncertainties we are all facing, it also allows for some degree of long-term planning. Further details on end-of-year events will be provided soon by your school principal.

As we approach the holy month of Ramadan, ISG has given careful consideration to our Ramadan school hours. ISG will continue to operate virtual school for our students during this period. This is with the intention of maintaining and supporting their academic health as best we can, adhering to a reduced six-hour workday for staff and honoring and respecting this holy month.

Please see below for the virtual school hours for your child’s school. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the site administration.

DHS - 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Please note that Ramadan timings will begin on Sunday, April 26, 2020.

We thank you for your support and understanding.

Best wishes,


Please also refer to our ISG website for our section on COVID-19. On the main page, you will find information updated daily about any restrictions, curfews, etc. in KSA. There is also an FAQ section, key terms explained, an article on how to talk to your children about the virus (by age) and a log of all my communication to you thus far for easy reference.

While we are living in a time of great uncertainty and rapid change, please know that at ISG, we are working hard to bring routine and consistency to our students, alongside our high standard of academic excellence. While we may not know how long virtual school will last, I will let you know as soon as possible if there are any changes that may impact the remainder of the school year. We are all doing our best today to plan for tomorrow and beyond.

Keep well.


Virtual School Email Update for Parents

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

April 9, 2020

As we continue to grow and listen to feedback, this week of virtual school has seen some changes in the delivery and structure of lessons. Under District guidance, each school now has its own virtual school website chock full of resources, learning plans by grade, wellness tips and much more. A big thank you goes to ISG Jubail for their initiative in creating the template for these websites. Please use these sites as your reference guide as we journey through virtual school together.

The website links are below but can also be found on each school’s website under Our School.







Please also refer to our ISG website for our section on COVID-19. On the main page, you will find information updated daily about any restrictions, curfews, etc. in KSA. There is also an FAQ section, key terms explained, an article on how to talk to your children about the virus (by age) and a log of all my communication to you thus far for easy reference.

While we are living in a time of great uncertainty and rapid change, please know that at ISG, we are working hard to bring routine and consistency to our students, alongside our high standard of academic excellence. While we may not know how long virtual school will last, I will let you know as soon as possible if there are any changes that may impact the remainder of the school year. We are all doing our best today to plan for tomorrow and beyond.

Keep well.


June SATs are Cancelled

Mona Lewars, Acting AP Coordinator

April 15, 2020

Dear Juniors and Seniors:

Right now, public health officials have made it clear it's not safe to gather students in one place. Many U.S. states have closed schools for the rest of the academic year, and globally there are widespread school closures across 192 countries. As such, we won't be able to administer the SAT® and SAT Subject Tests™ as planned on June 6, 2020.

Also, please refer to Collegeboard's website for further information on upcoming SAT dates: here.

Please remember to register for the August test date. They may have a digital SAT you can do from home by then. Stay safe and healthy!

Take care!

Mrs. Lewars

Universities and Changes In Grading.

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

March 31, 2020

Hello DHS.

I know that many of you are concerned about how you will be assessed as Virtual School extends for what looks to be at least another month. Tomorrow I am going to try my hand at making a video message for you all to view. It is most likely that DHS will move towards some type of pass/fail system for this semester. The details of this and exactly what it will look like are still being developed. I hope to have clear answers by the end of this week. In the meantime, I wanted to share some of the information the wonderful Mrs. Mona Lewars has collected from universities. It is clear that the entire world is adjusting to this new reality and we are committed to ensuring that no DHS student's future is adversely affected by our current situation. Please have a thorough read of some of the information we are considering while making our decision.

Be good.

Mr. C

Important Announcement on AP Exams

Mona Lewars, Acting AP Coordinator

March 20, 2020

Dear AP Students and Parents,

Just moments ago, Collegeboard announced that it will suspend face-to-face testing for this year's AP exams in May. The AP Exams will instead be conducted online. DHS is awaiting further information which will only become available around April 3rd. For now, please read this important announcement from Collegeboard which provides some details on which units will and will not be covered in each AP exam, information on test date options, and upcoming resources for students.

DHS will update you accordingly as we receive new information.

Thank you and stay safe and healthy!

We Will Operate VS Until Further Notice

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

March 26, 2020

Dear all,

I hope that you have had a restful and safe spring break. I am pleased and excited to welcome all of our students and staff back on Sunday, as we begin our third week of virtual school.

As you know, we will be operating virtual school until further notice. I would like to reassure you that we continue to closely monitor developments with the authorities and I will be in touch with any further news and updates as we receive them.

Best wishes,


Virtual Break Spring Break

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

March 18, 2020

Hello DHS Students.

I wanted to clarify DHS expectations for Virtual School Spring Break.

1. For non IB and non AP courses there should be no work assigned over break.

2. There will be no assignments due to be turned in on the 29th or 30th of March. This includes IB and AP classes.

3. IB and AP students may have projects and/or assignments that were assigned previously and that may not be due until April or May. I suggest you work on those as needed.

4. IB and AP teachers have been given the option of making themselves available to IB and/or AP students over break. They may want to schedule conference time, review time, or revisions, but I have told them that these should not be mandatory during Spring break. It will be the students choice to accept and/or receive that assistance.

I hope you all have a good break. If you find the time please go ahead and cultivate the self.

Be good.

Mr. C

Spring Break Message

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

March 18, 2020

Dear Parents,

As we head into spring break, please note that we will resume virtual school upon our return on Sunday, March 29, 2020. To date, we know that virtual school will continue until at least April 2. We will keep you informed as we learn of any changes, given that circumstances can change daily.

As we deal with COVID-19 in the Kingdom and worldwide, we recognize this is new for ISG and indeed all schools around the world. We continue to be in touch with schools locally and internationally as we work towards creating the best virtual school possible for our students.

As I reflect on ISG and the work that students and staff have done these past two weeks, I am truly pleased to be part of this learning community. All students, staff and especially parents have worked tirelessly to support the continuation of learning. I recognize that this has been difficult at times and I appreciate your support and feedback.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very safe, healthy and relaxing week with your family.


Michael Mack

First Week of Virtual School

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

March 12, 2020

Hello DHS.

I hope the first few days of virtual school have been manageable and feedback from some circles seems to indicate that students are still able to get some quality learning time on some of the virtual platforms. Remember that it is most prudent for you all to maintain some type of routine that has some semblance of the normal school day. Try not to fall into the dangerous trap of treating each day as you normally would the weekend. To the best of your ability, continue to keep your mind in a learning zone. It's not vacation time.

Be Good

Mr. C

Tackling This Challenge Together

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

March 16, 2020

Dear ISG Families,

The coronavirus has presented global challenges on many fronts.

In these times of uncertainty, we want to assure you that ISG is doing everything possible to carry on and maintain as normal a routine as possible. With virtual school, we are trying to provide stability and consistency for all students and continue with the important work of their education.

While our office buildings are closed, our staff are working online from home during regular business hours.

I would like to thank our dedicated teachers and parents, who have jumped into the virtual world and helped provide stability and support for students.

ISG has been in KSA since 1962 and weathered many challenges over the years. We will weather this one as well, with calm heads and a focus on the best interests of our children.

Best wishes,

Michael Mack

Virtual School at DHS

Ronnie Caldwell , DHS Principal

March 9, 2020

Hello DHS.

Students will not be reporting to campus tomorrow. March 9th will not be a Virtual School day, meaning you will not expected to begin Virtual School assignments. Virtual school will officially begin on March 10th. Mr. Bearns will be emailing you with details and expectations regarding Virtual School tomorrow afternoon. Please stay tuned for SAT information coming from Mr. Flanders. In short, we will be enacting some safety precautions.

Mr. C

ISG Schools Closure

Dr. Mack, ISG Superintendent

March 8, 2020

Dear Parents,

Tonight the Ministry of Education announced that all schools in Saudi Arabia will temporarily close as of Monday, March 9, 2020, as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus (Ministry of Education reference #79305).

The recommendation came from health authorities in order to ensure the safety and well-being of students and educational staff.

There will be no classes in all ISG schools starting tomorrow, March 9. Virtual school for students will begin on Tuesday, March 10, which will provide teachers with a preparation day for their lessons in the days ahead.

Student accounts will work remotely during the school closure period and will continue to process receipts, seat deposits and enrollment contracts. All administrators will also be working online and will be available through email.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated. We remind you that the school launched a webpage on COVID-19 to provide information and resources to the community.

Thank you for your cooperation and support during this time.

Best wishes,

Michael Mack