Overview of Learning

Overview of Virtual Learning

Virtual learning in the Dhahran High School will run primarily through our existing Google Classroom platform. Planned learning activities will be varied, engaging, and connected to units and subject standards. Additionally, assessments will allow students to demonstrate their understanding and receive feedback about their learning. Students will work through a diverse array of activities, some completed independently and others collaboratively online with teacher guidance & feedback. The overarching purpose of virtual learning is to allow students opportunities to: engage in new learning; practice, consolidate, and communicate prior learning; as well as transfer and apply their learning.

Virtual Learning Schedule For June 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For May 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For April 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For March 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For February 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For January 2021

Virtual Learning Schedule For December 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule For November 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule For October 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule For September 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule For August 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule

Virtual Learning Schedule For June 2020

Ramadan Day Schedule

Virtual Learning Schedule For May 2020

Virtual Learning Schedule For April 2020

For more information, please see the student calendar


Attendance during virtual school is just as critical as it is under normal circumstances. Students should attend their live lessons, and should check in with their teachers regularly. Attendance is monitored by the teachers and reported to admin and parents when a student is showing a lack of engagement in the class. Besides the expectation that students are present for required online sessions, students must be committed to dutifully completing all assignments as this can also be an indicator of a student's attendance. Students that would prefer to sleep in and check in on their classes later in the day are at a disadvantage to their peers, and we ask for help from parents/guardians to encourage their children to be engaged throughout the day.




  • Engage in the learning process with your child; discuss learning, deadlines, workload

  • Support the development of a regular study routine and environment

  • Reinforce the importance of balance, well-being, and physical activity

  • Seek/support opportunities to allow children to socialize and engage as a school community

  • If supporting siblings, seek balance and individual routines that allow for focus and success

  • Communicate concerns to teachers, counselors, or administration when applicable

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