
Virtual events

In this page, you will find more about events that happened during Virtual school.

DHS Benefit Concert 2021

The first Annual Benefit Concert hosted by DHS's Piano Club was a success. Students from DHS and King Edward's School Witley of the United Kingdom recorded pieces they have worked on for up to two years to present to the community. Students performed a variety of songs from composers such as Liszt, Bach, and the group Arctic Monkeys. The performance was teeming with positive comments from the audience members, who helped us raise over 5,000 SAR for Habitat for Humanity and created a memorable evening.

All the proceeds from ticket sales will go to Lebanon and India. The piano club team looks forward to hosting more such benefit concerts in the future.

DHS Art Exhibition

Hello everyone! We proudly present artwork of DHS students this year from some of the most talented students. The exhibition features the artwork of the founders of Unbound Visual Arts. The artwork presents many examples of how change is constant and inevitable for all people. You will see variety of art forms, 2D and 3D Art including Op-Art, pottery, sculpture, paintings, original designs, abstract art, conceptual art and collage.

Further, the artwork is a means to remember that nothing remains same forever.

And all change happens in the present. You can see different type of themes explored and represented by students. Art keeps evolving with times and situations.

-Sara Ahmad (Art Teacher DHS)

Thank you so much for your help!

Here’s the link:

DHS Graduation

Congratulations to the DHS Graduates of the Class of 2021!

We celebrate you!

(Access the graduation video by clicking link)

ISG's Mission Statement

Our mission statement guides everything that we do at ISG. It summarizes our purpose and direction, and drives how we best meet the needs of today's learners. It acts as our north star and helps to create a sense of shared identity across all ISG schools.

We arrived at our mission in 2016 through a comprehensive process involving all our stakeholder groups, including students. Brevity was a high priority as long as it didn't compromise the complexity of what we value and do. By identifying key themes and using an iterative process of feedback and redrafts, ISG's mission statement was born.

International Day

Hey DHS!

It's your StuCo sec here to wish you all a Happy international day! On behalf of StuCo, we wanted to try and continue our annual international day celebration. So be sure to check out our Instagram for upcoming posts from your submissions!

StuCo has also come together to create an international lip-sync to celebrate our diverse DHS community! Click HERE to check out the video and we hope you enjoy it!

Happy international day and we hope you have a great Spring Break as well :)



IntL Day.mp4

American Math Competition

Mu Alpha Theta was happy to host the highly prestigious American Mathematics Competition (AMC). The mathematics competition was a way for students to prove their passion and ability in mathematics. The AMC is highly regarded and several universities in the United States, including MIT and CalTech, allow students to report AMC scores on their application. Mu Alpha Theta is proud of the students who competed and we anxiously await the results!


On the 12th and 13th of February, Dhahran MUN made history by hosting DHAMUN XV. Close to 250 individuals attended from the US, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, the UK, Australia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Jordan, and the GCC countries. Dr. Michael Mack, Mr. Ronnie Caldwell, Mr. Joseph Bearns, and the US Consulate General of Dhahran, Madame Nicholle Manz-Baazaoui, were also in attendance. These individuals left us with truly inspirational remarks including, “leave the world better than you found it,” and, “the road less taken seems like a simple choice until we reach it.” Despite all the irreversible history that has been made over the past decade, DHAMUN XV is proof that we still have a chance to witness a history worth remembering. A grand thank you to everyone who made this conference possible. Another chapter of DHAMUN has closed. Until next year!

Coffee House

Hello there DHS,

We hope you are doing well. Effect Club successfully hosted our annual Coffee House this year virtually before winter break on December 9th. We had some wonderful acts including singing, drawing, and elegant piano pieces. For those of you who didn't get a chance to attend, here is the link to watch the recording of the event. Hope you enjoy it!!

Have a great day DHS,

Thank you,

The Effect club

Coffee House Video.mp4

Compassion Action Team

Hey DHS!

I hope you are all doing well. Before you go off to winter break, The Compassion Action team is working hard on some future events. For now, The Compassion Action Club is extremely excited to share our club and our plans going further. Social clubs are all about building a strong community of members in and out of the club, and we are no different. This club is focused on the idea of showing love and kindness towards every single person. With our incredible sponsor Ms. Al-Nasr, Mr. McConnell, and hard-working club members, our efforts, this year, will be centered around the theme of empathy. By definition, empathy is the "ability to understand and share feelings of another," but in reality, it is so much more. The CAC will be dedicated to creating a more compassionate community, whether it be in-person in school or online during COVID. Because at the end of the day, "empathy is the medicine the world needs" - Judith Orloff.

Now, here are a few words from our executives: Hi! I’m Mlaak Rob and I’m this year's President of the Compassion in Action Club. I’m really excited to have this opportunity to spread awareness on a multitude of topics, which we have already been doing through our club. Through this club, I hope to see more compassion in our everyday interactions with each other. Everyone at DHS is loving and caring, and I’m really excited to bring people even closer together as a community! Coming together to support each other is something I really hope to see more of at our school. So please keep a lookout for upcoming compassion workshops, events, cards, quotes, and videos on many different issues that we’ve talked about and will continue to talk about!

Hey guys! I'm Aliza Siddiqui and I'm this year's Vice President of the Compassion in Action Club. I am very thankful to have this opportunity and to be taking a step towards a more compassionate society. With this year's theme being empathetic, some of our club members will be attending the compassion summit. Throughout the compassion summit, members will be attending workshops, seminars, and institutes lead by various experts and teachers. Our members will be learning different tools and methods to effectively implement compassion in our community and everyday lives by engaging with multiple different schools and students from all around the world. Being able to step into another's shoes and look at things from their point of view is a beautiful thing that we should all try and incorporate into our daily lives. On behalf of all the members, we are really excited to make a positive difference in our community and we hope you will be there with us every step of the way.

Please take some time to look at the awareness projects, our club members have worked so hard on, as well as a short little video regarding what compassion really is. Happy holidays :)

Awareness Projects

Compassion Video


Compassion Action Team

Final Compassion Summit Video.mp4

Halloween Mafia Night

On October 21 & 22, 2020, Helping Hands hosted our first-ever Halloween Mafia Night online. Students were invited to come to a night of murder and mayhem and solve a mystery with their friends. The event allowed students to relax and have some fun with their friends all the while getting into the Halloween spirit. The event was a huge success!

Saudi National Day 2020

Our ISG Superintendent wishes all of you a happy and safe Saudi National Day.

DHS Cribz

Check out DHS Cribz to see where some of your teachers and principal work, what they do to stay organized, and how they stay motivated while working from home.

Want to share your workspace? Submit a photo using the link shared via email to possibly be featured on DHS social media!

A special thanks goes out to all of the staff and teachers who helped create and share this video!

New Student Orientation

DHS Service Awards 2019 - 2020

Since we could not meet in person for so many end-of-year events, please see the Service Awards videos to recognize our many devoted staff for their years of service with ISG.

DHS Athletic Awards 2019 - 2020

We would like to congratulate you all for making it to the end of what has been a unique school year!

We are sharing a link to this years athletic awards. We would like to thank everyone personally who was involved in making this year happen. We would also like to congratulate those students who were recipients of awards; for their dedication and performance to their chosen sports.

We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable summer!

Virtual Class 0f 2020Graduation

Congratulations to the DHS Graduates of the Class of 2020!

We celebrate you!

(Access graduation video by clicking link)

DHS Seniors 2020

DHS Science Fair Submission2020

As we're going through these uncertain times, we look to science for answers. Science is a broad spectrum of subjects that seek to discover and explain, helping us advance and overcome issues like the pandemic that is COVID-19. Going to school and countless other activities have come to a halt, but science? Science never stops.

In the spirit of science, the 2020 DHS Science Fair is still on schedule and is being held virtually. Participants have already submitted their projects which are undergoing review from teacher judges.

Get ready to see some amazing work from your fellow peers!

Aliza Siddiqui

Presentation on Screen Time Affecting Your Vision - Science Fair - Aliza Siddiqui.pptx.pdf
Report on Screen Time Effecting Vision - Science Fair.docx.pdf
Screen Time Effecting Your Vision.MOV

Faiza Rahman

Clock (1).pdf

Maryam Hanafy

Science Fair Project Video.mp4
Science Fair Project Presentation

DHS Virtual Art Exhibition 2020

This work is from Art and pottery/Ceramics students of DHS (Session 2019-2020).

have a look and enjoy watching


The UNICEF club executive team participated in the online climate strike today April 23, 2020

Virtual Sport Day