Wednesday - 4/15

3N Daily Google Meet Meeting - 10:00 - 10:30 am

To join the meeting, click the brown button below.

Daily Check-In - I have added this so you can let me know how you're doing today. Click the brown button below to complete your daily check-in.


2nd read of Earthquakes, Eruptions, and Other Events that Change Earth pages 475 - 485.

You are looking for the Analyze Text Structure underlining jobs. They are on pages 476, 480, 482, and 484. The challenge is to see if you can find good text evidence to underline for each one. Just try your best!

We will be focusing on the cause and effect text structure. As you read, think about what natural events (causes) change Earth (effects).

Google Classroom - Analyze Text Structure - click the brown button below for the form or find it in our Google Classroom

** I embedded the form below as well. You do not need to do it twice.

OR you do not need to do both the Google Form and the workbook page

Workbook page 488 - Analyze Text Structure. Email, message, post on Dojo portfolio, or upload to Google Classroom 4/15 Completed Work.

Choose 2 Daily 5 Choices and do each round for 5-10 minutes.


Lesson 7-5 - Compare Fraction

Workbook pages 361A - 362

Share pg. 362 with me if you can.

Online Math Choices - 5 - 10 minutes

Freckle Math



eSpark Math