Wednesday - 4/1


2nd read of Grace and Grandma pages 375 - 389.

You are looking for the Identify Play Elements underlining jobs. They are on pages 376, 378, 380, 382, 386, and 389. The challenge is to see if you can find good text evidence to underline for each one. Just try your best!

Complete page 392 - Identify Play Elements. Email, message or post on Dojo portfolio a picture of the page completed.

Choose 2 Daily 5 Choices and do each round for 5-10 minutes.


Lesson 6-8 - Decomposing to Find Area

Workbook pgs. 327-330

*Bonus Challenge - Try to find the perimeter of each figure as well as the area!

Online Math Choices - 5 - 10 minutes

Freckle Math



eSpark Math