Tuesday - 3/31


These words will help you understand the drama Grace and Grandma. As you read, underline the vocabulary words as you see them in the text.

First read of Grace and Grandma - pages 375 - 389.

The audio is assigned in Google Classroom so students can listen and follow along in their workbooks like we do in the classroom.

3N Google Classroom - Students will need to log into their google accounts to be able to access.

Complete the Develop Vocabulary on page 390. Email, message or post on Dojo portfolio a picture of the page completed.

Choose 2 Daily 5 Choices and do each round for 5-10 minutes.


Lesson 6-7 - Compare Rectangles with the Same Perimeter or Area

Workbook pgs. 325 - 326

Online Math Choices - 5 - 10 minutes

Freckle Math



eSpark Math