COVID Guidelines

P-E-M Covid-19 Preparedness Plan 2023-24 School Year

In-person learning is a priority of our school district, and we are committed to accomplishing that experience as safely as possible for our students and staff. As always, it is important that we all take appropriate steps to reduce the spread of illness in our community.


1.  As in the past, per the Minnesota Department of Health, all students and staff are required to stay home from school for at least 24 hours if they are experiencing either of the following: - fever of 100.4 or higher - gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea

2.  All positive cases of COVID-19 amongst staff and students must be reported to the appropriate building secretary. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 they are required to stay home for at least 5 days.

·         The first day they experience symptoms is Day 0

·         If they are symptom-free, the date their test specimen was collected is Day 0

·         An individual may return to school as early as Day 6 if all the following are true:

o   they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication)

o   their symptoms are improving

o   they wear a well-fitting mask at school through Day 10 of their isolation phase


Outside of positive tests for COVID-19 which are covered above in item #2, decisions regarding masking, quarantining, and COVID-19 testing will be left up to individual families.

1.      If students or staff members are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, the Minnesota Department of Health highly recommends that they stay home, isolate, and consult with their primary health care provider as to the necessity for COVID-19 testing or other plan of care.

2.      The Minnesota Department of Health highly recommends that staff or students who are a close contact to a positive case of COVID-19 (especially in their home setting) carefully monitor their symptoms, wear a well-fitting mask, and get tested as their healthcare provider recommends.

The district will continue to carefully review all local and building data and determine if/when additional communication and mitigation strategies are necessary. Student absences will be tracked in accordance with the P-E-M Student Handbook posted on each building’s website. Students are responsible for completion of all make-up academic work according to the student handbook.

Free BinaxNOW OTC At-Home Test Kits will be available for all students, staff, and families to pick up in each P-E-M school building’s front office.