Classroom Rules

Our Classroom Rules:

1. I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.

2. I will raise my hand and wait to be called on.

3. I will be quiet during worktime and in the halls.

4. I will respect others.

5. I will ask for permission before leaving the classroom.

6. I will be a good listener and follow the rules.

I like to use the "Give Me Five" attention getter. Students will know what this means

when I say it. They will be responsible for showing me the Five rules to good listening.

Discipline Plan:

I follow the assertive discipline plan in my classroom. Each child has a set of behavior cards in the room. Each day, the students will start with a green card. If a rule is broken, the child will be asked to change their card as a reminder to follow the rules.

Green: Each day is a fresh start. Remind yourself of the rules and have a great day! You are responsible for you.

Yellow: OOPS Card We all make mistakes from time to time. This is a good chance to get back on track.

Orange: The OOPS Card has been used up. I am not following the rules. The warning card reminds me to make better choices.

Red: I have used my OOPS and my warning card. I will create ways to make better choices during my lunch and recess time.