Discipline Plan

Discipline Plan

Throughout the PreK-3 Building, we have three Bulldog Way Rules:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Within our classroom, these three rules will also drive our learning environment. Students will put together a class contract that goes over the rules that they believe should be used in the classroom. The following are basic rules that students will be expected to follow:

1. Be Safe

2. Be Respectful

3. Be Responsible

4. Treat others as you want to be treated

5. Listen to others

6. Always help each other

7. Keep yourself to yourself

If a student is not able to follow this contract, he/she will receive a reminder of what is expected of him/her in order to correct the behavior. If the student does not correct the behavior, the student will receive a warning. If the behavior continues following the warning, the student will remain inside from recess to reflect and discuss with the teacher how the student can fix his/her behavior.

PEM's "Big 3" Pledge

We are the Bulldogs!

We are Respectful

We are Responsible

We keep each other Safe

Because all of us deserve a quality education.