Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers here to frequently asked questions about our services.

Is this Special Education?

No, Title I and Reading Intervention are for students that have scored below benchmark on a universal screening assessment. Special Education students have IEPs (Individualized Education Plans). What makes them similar is that each student is getting what they need.

Why is my student in an intervention?

Students enter the an intervention program when they have scored below benchmark on our universal screening assessments. These assessments takes place 3 times each year in the areas of math and reading. For more information see our entrance criteria for Title 1 and ADSIS.

How long will they be in the program?

Students remain in intervention until they meet exit criteria. To exit, students need to demonstrate their ability to meet the next seasonal benchmark. For more information see our exit criteria page.

What are they missing in class when pulled for intervention time?

Most students receive their intervention services during WIN (What I Need) time. This is a 25 minute scheduled block of time where all students are working on what they need individually. Students are not missing core curriculum or whole group instruction.

What is my child doing during intervention time?

Your child's needs are determined by their scores on various benchmark assessments. These assessments identify the specific math or reading skills where students need additional support. Check out some of our intervention tools.

What is Title 1? What is ADSIS?

Please see our Programs page for more information.

Who is my child working with?

Meet our wonderful Staff!

How can I help my child at home?

At home, families can work on finding letters around the home, reading with their children, spotting words in the newspaper or books that they may be working on, counting change, telling time, working on math flashcards, or putting playing cards in order from least to greatest. Check out our resource page for more ideas!