PCA - CFSS Test Instructions

Minnesota Department of Human Services PCA - CFSS Test

Each PCA must pass this test prior to beginning work. Your PCA - CSFF Training Manual will be your study guide and help you prepare for the test.

  • You must have a valid email address in order to register for the test.

  • You must answer 20 of 25 questions correctly to pass the test. You may take the test as many times as needed. There is no required wait time between tests. As you answer each question, the system will tell you if the answer is correct or incorrect. The system will not tell you the correct answer. After you answer the last question, you will go the results page where you will receive your score and whether or not you have passed the test.

  • Give a copy of the certificate stating you passed to any agency that hires you to work as a personal care assistant. The certificate provides information required by employing agencies PRIOR to hiring a PCA.

Registering and taking the test

Your Metro South PCA teacher will walk you through the registration process.

If you are a high level student, you can self-study and register on your own: https://registrations.dhs.state.mn.us/videoConf/Default.aspx?BusinessUnitID=16

Certificate of completion

  • 1. When you pass the test, you may print a certificate of completion right away. You will also receive an e-mail with a link to the same certificate.

  • 2. Print one or more copies of the Certificate of Completion for your records.

  • 3. Give a copy to any agency that hires you to work as a personal care assistant. The certificate provides information required by employing agencies before hire such as: your name, date you passed the test, certification number.

E-mail notices

  • After you have registered for the test, you will receive two types of e-mails from Dhs.DSD.Learn@state.mn.us:

    • 1. Registration confirmation e-mail includes:

      • Confirmation number used to cancel the registration

      • Direct link to the certification test

    • 2. Certification confirmation e-mail includes:

      • Certificate Number required by PCA agencies before hire for PCA Provider Enrollment

      • Link to certificates



Issue #1 Cannot access course.

  • Possible problem: Pop-up blockers are often the reason course information is unavailable.

  • Resolution: Turn off pop-up blockers. Instructions for Internet Explorer and Firefox are included below.

Internet Explorer, go to:

  • 1. TOOLS on the Internet Explorer Menu bar.

  • 2. POP-UP BLOCKER to access the blocker settings.

  • 3. TURN OFF BLOCKER to disable the blocker.

  • 4. Click okay to save changes and close.

Firefox, go to:

  • 1. TOOLS on the Firefox Menu bar to open dropdown menu.

  • 2. OPTIONS to open the Options window.

  • 3. CONTENT tab on the Options menu:

  • 4. Checkbox next to Block pop-up windows should be unchecked

  • 5. Click okay to save changes and close

Ask for help from a technical person if accessing a public computer or contact technical assistance from your Internet provider for advanced help with pop-up blockers.

Issue #2: Stop the sound - mute audio

All modules automatically contain narration that may be annoying to some people.

Resolution: You have two options to stop the narration:

  • 1. Page-by-page in course: Turn the narration off: click the speaker in the upper left corner of the page. Turn the speaker off on each individual page.

  • 2. Mute the computer: Mute the specific computer. Also need to mute the computer for video clips.

Still having problems? If you still have problems with the course, e-mail questions to dhs.dsd.learn@state.mn.us or call (651) 431-2400.